Film Zulu. Lieutenant John Chard: The army doesn't like more than one disaster in a day. Bromhead: Looks bad in the newspapers and upsets civilians at their breakfast.
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» Regimental Marches
 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyYesterday at 9:37 pm by ForlornHope

» Helpmekaar to iSandlwana a Pictorial Journey
 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyYesterday at 8:55 am by Frank Allewell

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyWed Jan 22, 2025 10:44 pm by Julian Whybra

» 22nd Jany 2025
 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyWed Jan 22, 2025 8:22 pm by ADMIN

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyWed Jan 22, 2025 8:09 pm by ADMIN

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyWed Jan 22, 2025 1:33 pm by John Young

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyTue Jan 21, 2025 11:54 pm by ForlornHope

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyTue Jan 21, 2025 10:07 pm by ForlornHope

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyTue Jan 21, 2025 9:00 pm by ForlornHope

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptySun Jan 19, 2025 6:18 pm by gardner1879

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptySun Jan 19, 2025 5:17 pm by gardner1879

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptySun Jan 19, 2025 2:40 pm by gardner1879

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyFri Jan 17, 2025 10:43 pm by ADMIN

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyThu Jan 16, 2025 2:11 pm by Eddie

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyTue Jan 14, 2025 5:31 pm by Julian Whybra

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyTue Jan 14, 2025 5:26 pm by Julian Whybra

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyMon Jan 13, 2025 4:15 pm by Eddie

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» Happy New Year to the incredible community
 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyWed Jan 01, 2025 9:01 am by Julian Whybra


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John Young
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» 22nd Jany 2025
 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyWed Jan 22, 2025 7:50 pm by Julian Whybra

» Complete History of the Anglo-Zulu War in South Africa 1879. In French.
 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyWed Jan 22, 2025 1:41 pm by ADMIN

» Helpmekaar to iSandlwana a Pictorial Journey
 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyWed Jan 22, 2025 8:18 am by Frank Allewell

» Scale drawings of British AZW artillery and limbers?
 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyTue Jan 21, 2025 3:36 pm by ForlornHope

» A Faithful Servant. A fictional escape from iSandlwana!
 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptySun Jan 19, 2025 6:28 pm by gardner1879

» Alexander Stewart Leslie Natal Mounted Police.
 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptySun Jan 19, 2025 6:18 pm by gardner1879

» Gordon of Contin Mains, Ross-shire. Possible John Gordon 92nd (Gordon Highlanders) Regiment of Foot
 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptySun Jan 19, 2025 5:17 pm by gardner1879

» Hugh Fraser Ross
 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptySun Jan 19, 2025 2:40 pm by gardner1879

» The Story of the Zulu Campaign (Major Ashe - 1880) (ID:41222)
 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyFri Jan 17, 2025 9:29 pm by ADMIN

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  Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe?

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? Empty
PostSubject: Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe?    Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyWed Dec 28, 2011 9:22 am


Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe?

It seems that Chelmsford have not forced this ...

In any case, British soldiers are still not down to the death ...

In 72 days of siege, 35 men died of disease and more Dozens Many Had to Be Carried back to the Thukela in cars ...

Many of these will die as well, not counting those who perished to meet Eshowe before, during and after the Battle of Gingindlovu ...


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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe?    Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyWed Jan 11, 2012 9:03 am

So as usual there are only Isandhlwana and RD who are interested ... scratch
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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? Empty
PostSubject: Why Pearson Decided to stay in Eshowe     Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyWed Jan 11, 2012 1:23 pm

Hi Pascal .
This has also been covered before , you really need to look at the old posts . Pearson wanted to make a statement to the zulu's
basically the british army has invaded and were staying even after the Isandlwana disaster . They also werent sure where the zulu army was so it helped the decision makers to stay put . Chelmesford gave him a choice he could withdraw if he wanted or could stay .
Cheers 90th.
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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe?    Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyWed Jan 11, 2012 4:19 pm

Gary all about have already been addressed on the forum ...

Also makes the restart in another form will refresh and the news enregistred to be interested ...

Pearson remained for me to Eshowe for nothing, soldiers suffered and died for nothing ...


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PostSubject: Re: Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe?    Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyWed Jan 11, 2012 4:41 pm

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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe?    Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyWed Jan 11, 2012 5:03 pm

Merci Matt...
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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? Empty
PostSubject: Why Pearson Decided to stay in Eshowe     Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyWed Jan 11, 2012 11:51 pm

Hi Pascal .
You must look at these decisions not from 2012 but 1879 ! . Pearson didnt know 35 men would die at Eshowe !! . He also could have been
wiped out to a man if he left Eshowe and was caught in the open . Dont forget he'd had a battle on the 22nd and had a very good idea what he would have been up against if he was caught in open country . As I said , Chelmesford gave him a choice and I think he made the right one , he did send all the mounted Colonial and Native troops back to Fort Tenedos . You have to look at all these happenings with the mindset of the Victorian army of 1879 , not wonderful hindsight of today . Shocked
cheers 90th. Idea
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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe?    Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyThu Jan 12, 2012 6:40 am

Bonjour Garry

Eh bien justement,ayant triomphé le 22 ,il pouvait peut etres rentrer sans risques ?

Il a été choqué par la nouvelle de Isandhlwana et c'est imaginé assaillis par l'armée zouloue au complet avant d'arriver au Natal..?



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 Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe?    Why Pearson you it decided to stay in Eshowe? EmptyThu Jan 12, 2012 6:44 am

Hello Agaist Garry

I do not wake up I type in French ...

Well in fact, having triumphed on 22, he could return can be safe?

He was shocked by the news of Isandhlwana and it is imagined attacked in full by the Zulu army before arriving in Natal ..?


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