Film Zulu. Lieutenant John Chard: The army doesn't like more than one disaster in a day. Bromhead: Looks bad in the newspapers and upsets civilians at their breakfast.
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PostSubject: Naval and Marine Graves    Naval and Marine Graves  EmptySun Mar 19, 2017 6:44 pm

ACT Aynsley, William H./ Signalman 2nd Class/ Isandlwana Battlefield/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
ACT Bigwood, William/ Private (RMLI)/ St. John’s Church Cemetery/ Obam, Scotland
ACT Blackman, William S/. Sergeant (RMLI)/ South Brent Cemetery/ South Brent, Devon
ACT Buxey, William/ Stoker/ St. Mary’s Churchyard/ Warash, Hampshire
ACT Campbell, Henry J. F./ Commander/ Putney Vale Cemetery/ London
ACT Coker, Lewis C,/ Midshipman/ Fort Ekowe Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
ACT Craigie, Robert W./ Lieutenant/ Fareham Cemetery/ Fareham, Hampshire
ACT Cross, James/ Able Seaman/ Anglican Section, Waikumete Cemetery/ Auckland, New Zealand
ACT Dean-Pitt, Stanley T./ Sub-Lieutenant/ Belstone Parish Churchyard/ Belstone, Devon
ACT Dowding, Townley W./ Lieutenant (RMLI)/ St Mark's Churchyard/ Alverstoke, Hampshire
ACT Gosling, John E. R./ Signalman 2nd Class/ Mount Thompson Memorial Gardens/ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
ACT Hamilton, William des.V./ Lieutenant/ Radford Samele Parish Churchyard/ Radford Samele, Warwickshire
ACT Hoare, Alfred/ Able Seaman/ Newbiggin (St. Bartholmew) Churchyard/ Newbiggin-by-the-sea, Northumberland
ACT Jackson, Henry B./ Lieutenant/ St. Mary’s Churchyard Extension/ South Hayling, Hampshire
ACT Littlejohns, Edward S./ Musician/ Badstraat Cemetery/ Oudtshoorn, Western Cape, South Africa
ACT Marrack, William/ Lieutenant/ Ford Park Cemetery/ Plymouth, Devon
ACT Milne, Archibald B./ Lieutenant/ St. Michael’s Churchyard/ Inveresk, East Lothian, Scotland
ACT Moore, John/ Shoemaker/ Fort Ekowe Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
ACT Pearce, Alfred R./ Petty Officer 2nd Class/ Fort Pearson Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
ACT Nops, John G. S./ Able Seaman/ Ladywelll and Brockley Cemetery/ Lewisham, Kent
ACT Norbury, Henry F./ Staff Surgeon/ Eltham Parish Churchyard/ Greater London
ACT Radford, Edwin/ Leading Seaman/ Fort Ekowe Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
ACT Robinson, Charles R. H./ Navigating Lieutenant/ Highland Road Cemetery/ Southsea, Hampshire
ACT Seddon, William/ Gunner (RMA)/ Fort Pearson Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
ACT Shearman, John G./ Chief Engineer/ Portsea Cemetery/ Portsmouth, Hampshire
ACT Smith, Alfred/ Able Seaman/ Fort Ekowe Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
ACT Stagg, William/ Private (RMLI)/ Fort Ekowe Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
ACT Sullivan, Francis W./ Commodore/ Kimpton Parish Churchyard/ Hertfordshire
ACT Tennyson, Bertram/ Midshipman/ Kensal Green Cemetery/ London
ACT Thierens, Henry W./ Midshipman/ Great Yarmouth Cemetery/ Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
ACT Viney, George S./ Private (RMLI)/ Anns Hill Cemetery/ Gosport, Hampshire
ACT Walsh, George M./ Ordinary Seaman/ Fort Pearson Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
ACT White, Edmund/ Petty Officer 1st Class/ St. Peter and St Paul Churchyard/ Headcorn, Kent
BOA Allen, James/ Ordinary Seaman/ Buried at Sea/ Off Batanga, West Coast of Africa
BOA Barnard, Walter/ Able Seaman/ Military Cemetery, Mount Majuba/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
BOA Beddell, Harry G./ Boy 1st Class/ Military Cemetery, Mount Majuba/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
BOA Benett, John B./ Lieutenant/ Bramshaw Parish Churchyard/ Bramshaw, Hampshire
BOA Bennett, Charles/ Petty Officer 2nd Class/ Highland Road Cemetery/ Southsea, Hampshire
BOA Bevis, William H/. Ass’t Sick Berth Attendant/ Ford Park Cemetery/ Plymouth, Devon
BOA Boldero, Harry S./ Midshipman/ Folkestone Cemetery/ Folkestone, Kent
BOA Brazier, Henry/ Ordinary Seaman/ Military Cemetery, Mount Majuba/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
BOA Burton, George/ Ordinary Seaman/ Military Cemetery, Mount Majuba/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
BOA Cawston, Arthur G./ Midshipman/ Shanghai Cemetery/ Shanghai, China
BOA Chapman, William/ Boy 1st Class/ Military Cemetery, Mount Majuba/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
BOA Colville, Stanley C. J/ Midshipman/ Cowes Cemetery/ Cowes, Isle of Wight
BOA Cotesworth, Hugh/ Sub-Lieutenant/ South End Cemetery/ Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa
BOA Dawson, Charles T./ Paymaster/ Highland Road Cemetery/ Southsea, Hampshire
BOA Eyre,  Francis G./ Midshipman/ St. Stephen’s Churchyard/ Saltash, Cornwall
BOA Figg, Henry/ Domestic 3rd Class/ Church of England Cemetery/ Rockwood, NSW, Australia
BOA Fisher, Frederick J./ Stoker/ St. James Cemetery/ Bath, Somerset
BOA Flynn, James/ Able Seaman/ St. Michael’s Churchyard/ Camberley, Surrey
BOA Heazle, John/ Private (RMLI)/ Melbourne General Cemetery/ Melbourne, Australia
BOA Killbery, John W./ Boatswain/ Kingston Cemetery/ Portsmouth, Hampshire
BOA Lewis, Tom/ Krooman/ Mount Prospect Military Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
BOA Lidiard, Henry E./ Bandsman/ Highland Road Cemetery/ Southsea, Hampshire
BOA Likeman, William/ Private (RMLI)/ Buried at Sea/ Off Batanga, West Coast of Africa
BOA Loveless, James/ Ordinary Seaman/ Mount Prospect Military Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
BOA Lyon, Herbert/ Sub-Lieutenant/ Ta’ Braxia Cemetery/ Pieta, Northern Harbor, Malta
BOA Mahon, Evelyn R.H./ Surgeon/ Gillingham Cemetery/ Gillingham, Kent
BOA Masterman, John/ Lieutenant/ St. Peter’s Churchyard/ Yateley, Hampshire
BOA McClure, John/ Boy 1st Class/ Military Cemetery, Mount Majuba/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
BOA Nicolls, Alexander/ Chaplain & Naval Instr./ Bedford Cemetery/ Bedfordshire
BOA O’Connor, Cornelius J./ Ordinary Seaman 2nd Class/ Military Cemetery, Mount Majuba/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
BOA O’Malley, James N. J./ Fleet Surgeon/ Highland Road Cemetery/ Southsea, Hampshire
BOA Passingham, William/ Ordinary Seaman/ Military Cemetery, Mount Majuba/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
BOA Phillips, Albert E./ Boy 1st Class/ Wallaroo Cemetery/ Wallaroo, South Australia
BOA Plastine, William T/. Leading Seaman/ Mount Prospect Military Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
BOA Pragnell, Thomas J./ Ordinary Seaman/ Ryde New Cemetery/ Ryde, Isle of Wight
BOA Pyer, Thomas J./ Signalman/ Fireman’s Corner of Highgate Cemetery/ London
BOA Quick, Walter J./ Naval Schoolmaster/ Reading Cemetery & Crematorium/ Reading, Berkshire
BOA Richards, Frederick W./ Commodore/ Horton Parish Churchyard/ Horton, Gloucetershire
BOA Robyns, John W./ Lieutenant (RMLI)/ Christ Church/ Portsdown Hill, Portsmouth
BOA Romilly, Francis/ Commander/ Mount Prospect Military Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
BOA Scott, Augustus L./ Sub-Lieutenant/ Vicarsford Cemetery/ Forgan, Fife, Scotland
BOA Silk, Frederick E./ Ordinary Seaman/ Alnwick Cemetery/ Alnwick, Northumberland
BOA Valentine, Francis A,/ Sub-Lieutenant/ Haslar Cemetery/ Gosport, Hampshire
BOA Vasey, Samuel W./ Surgeon/ Chudleigh Cemetery/ Chudleigh, Devon
BOA Wadling, Charles L./ Bugler Boy/ Church of England Cemetery/ Prospect, NSW, Australia
BOA West, Gilbery R./ Naval Cadet/ St Bartholomew Churchyard/ Wanborough, Surrey
BOA Witheridge,Samuel J./ Petty Officer 1st Class/ Military Cemetery, Mount Majuba/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
EUP Bailey, Arthur R. F./ Lieutenant/ Haslar Cemetery/ Gosport, Hampshire
EUP Brownrigg, Charles J./ Captain/ Old British Naval Cemetery/ Chapwani Island, Tanzania
EUP Cobby, John V./ Boatswain/ Haslar Cemetery/ Gosport, Hampshire
EUP Doidge, James N,/ Boatswain/ Kingston Cemetery/ Portsea, Hampshire
EUP Herbert, Edward D./ Paymaster/ Southampton Cemetery/ Southampton, Hampshire
EUP Inch, William W./ Ass’t Paymaster/ Ford Park Cemetery/ Plymouth, Devon
FLO Grant, Robert/ Surgeon/ Kirkmichael Churchyard/ Ayrshire, Scotland
FLO Smythies, Palmer K./ Lieutenant/ Lexden Parish Churchyard/ Lexden, Essex
FOR Hammond, George/ Petty Officer 1st Class/ Military Cemetery, Mount Majuba/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
FOR Osborn, Russell/ Assistant Paymaster/ Western Cemetery/ Hull, Yorkshire
FOR Ropeyarn, Jack/ 2nd Head Krooman/ Seaforth Old Burying Ground/ Simonstown, Western Cape, South Africa
FOR Wrey, Robert B. S./ Sub-Lieutenant/ Family Vault, Tawstock Parish Church/ Tawstock, Devon
NTO Davis, Edward H. M./ Commander/ The Burrough Cemetery/ Bexhill, East Sussex
NTO Pelly, Frederick S./ Lieutenant/ St. Mary and All Saints Churchyard/ Dunsford, Surrey
NTO Ramsey, William B./ Paymaster/ Melcombe Regis Cemetery/ Weymouth, Dorset
ORO Baverstock, Francis B./ Paymaster/ Haslar Cemetery/ Gosport, Hampshire
ORO Cowdrey, John C./ Boatswain/ Kingston Cemetery/ Portsea, Hampshire
ORO Elton, Frederick/ Lieutenant/ Whitestaunton Churchyard/ Whitestaunton, Somerset
ORO Green, Henry C./ Stoker/ St. Peter Churchyard/ Hurstbourne Tarrant, Hampshie
ORO Harris, Robert/ Boatswain/ British Cemetery/ Gamboa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
ORO Jamieson, David/ Skilled Shipwright/ English Cemetery/ Callas, Peru
ORO Kinahan, Richard G./ Captain/ Brookwood Cemetery/ Woking, Surrey
ORO Magill, Martin/ Staff Surgeon/ Old Magherally Graveyard/ Garvaghy Parish, County Down, Northern Ireland
ORO Swinney, George/ Lieutenant/ Haslar Cemetery/ Gosport, Hampshire
ORO Target, Henry W./ Lieutenant/ Lockbrook Cemetery/ Bath, Somerset
SHA Adams, George/ Ordinary Seaman/ Exwick Cemetery/ Exeter, Devon
SHA Barry, John/ Chief Petty Office/r Roman Catholic Cemetery/ Arno’s Vale, Bristol
SHA Barwick, Walter J./ Able Seaman/ Milton Cemetery/ Portsmouth, Hampshire
SHA Bradshaw, Richard/ Captain/ SS Peter and Paul Churchyard/ Steeple Aston, Oxfordhire
SHA Burrows, Alexander L. S./ Captain (RMA)/ Milton Road Cemetery/ Portsmouth, Hampshire
SHA Castellano, Edward/ Leading Seaman/ Ladywell Cemetery/ Sydenham
SHA Chadder, George/ Ship’s Corporal/ Hong Kong Cemetery/ Hong Kong, China
SHA Connell, Jephson J./ Surgeon/ Pashinjiao Cemetery/ Shanghai, China
SHA Cooper, Owen/ Able Seaman/ Fort Pearson Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
SHA Cottis, Thomas/ Gunner (RMA)/ All Saints’ Churchyard/ Terling, Essex
SHA Crocker, Jacob/ Boatswain/ Plymstock Churchyard/ Plymstock, Devon
SHA Dawson, Samuel/ Able Seaman/ Phillips Park Cemetery/ Manchester
SHA Dennett, Alfred/ Petty Officer 1st Class/ Sompton Parish Churchyard/ Sompton, West Sussex
SHA Drummond, Malcolm  H./ Lieutenant/ Brookwood Cemetery/ Woking, Surrey
SHA Eason, Henry W./ Chief Yeoman of Signals/ Kinston Cemetery/ Portsmouth, Hampshire
SHA Fillmore, John W./ Chief Engine Room Artificer/ Seaforth Old Burying Ground/ Simonstown, Western Cape, South Africa
SHA Glazbrook, James/ Domestic 2nd Class/ Cheltenham Cemetery/ Adelaide, South Australia
SHA Hamilton, Frederick T./ Sub-Lieutenant/ Rosyth Old Burial Ground/ Rosyth, Scotland
SHA Hely-Hutchinson, Patrick M./ Lieutenant/ North Front Cemetery/ Gibraltar
SHA Hewett, George H./ Sub-Lieutenant/ Abbotsham Parish Cemetery/ Abbotsham, Devon
SHA Highman, Edwin/ Able Seaman/ Methodist Cemetery/ Broken Hill, NSW, Australia
SHA Horniman, William/ Paymaster/ Highland Road Cemetery/ Southsea, Hampshire
SHA Jackson, Benjamin S./ Staff Commander/ St. Mary’s Church Burial Ground/ Reigate, Surrey
SHA James, Frank/ Petty Officer 2nd Class/ Kingston Cemetery/ Portsmouth, Hampshire
SHA Lodge, Nisbett B./ Chaplain and Naval Instr./ Paignton Cemetery/ Paignton, Devon
SHA Marshall, Benjamin B. R./ Able Seaman/ Epson Cemetery/ Epson, Surrey
SHA Martin, George W. H./ Sub-Lieutenant/ Saltwood Churchyard/ Saltwood, Kent
SHA Masding, Joseph/ Private (RMLI)/ Nottingham Road Cemetery/ Derby, Derbyshire
SHA McCarthy, Eugene/ Able Seaman/ Roman Catholic Section, Woronora Cemetery/ Sutherland, NSW, Australia
SHA Oliver, Richard/ Able Seaman/ Fort Pearson Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
SHA Patey, George E./ Sub-Lieutenant/ Ford Park Cemetery/ Plymouth, Devon
SHA Philips, Joseph/ Captain (RMLI)/ Brookwood Cemetery/ Woking, Surrey
SHA Pibworth, William M./ Ass’t Engineer/ Highland Road Cemetery/ Southsea, Hampshire
SHA Sheppard, Edward/ Able Seaman/ Fort Pearson Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
SHA Sibbald, Thomas M./ Surgeon/ Wei-Hai British Garrison Burial Ground/ Shandon, China
SHA Smith-Dorrien, Arthur H./ Sub-Lieutenant/ Rectory Lane Cemetery/ Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire
SHA Sparks, John G./ Able Seaman/ Gore Hill Church of England Cemetery/ Willoughby, NSW, Australia
SHA Symonds, Jasper/ Cooper/ Fort Pearson Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
SHA Turner, Isaac/ Petty Officer 2nd Class/ St. James Cemetery/ Taunton, Somerset
SHA Turner, Thomas/ Petty Officer 1st Class/ St. Anne’s Churchyard/ Lewes, East Sussex
SHA Warrender, George/ Midshipman/ Grange Cemetery/ Edinburgh, Scotland
SHA Wheadon, James/ Able Seaman/ Cemetery at Fort Crealock/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
SHA Whitford, James/ Carpenter/ Highland Road Cemetery/ Southsea, Hampshire
TAM Cammack, Walter R./ Able Seaman/ Weston Mill Cemetery/ Plymouth, Devon
TAM Grant, John B./ Engineer/ Ford Park Cemetery/ Plymouth, Devon
TAM Hull, Henry/ Chief Engineer/ Highland Road Cemetery/ Southsea, Hampshire
TAM Lucas, Leonard/ Staff Surgeon/ Mount Jerome Cemetery/ Dublin, Ireland
TAM Kelly, William E./ Paymaster/ Southampton Cemetery/ Southampton, Hampshire
TAM Major, Barzillai/ Ordinary Seaman/ St. George’s Churchyard/ Fordington, Dorchester, Dorset
TAM Vickery, George B./ Boatswain Ford Park Cemetery/ Plymouth, Devon
TAM Whebby, Thomas/ Ass’t Engineer/ Ford Park Cemetery/ Plymouth, Devon
TEN Adeane, Edward S./ Captain/ Babraham Parish Churchyard/ Babraham, Cambridgeshire
TEN Ball, Henry S./ Engineer/ Haslar Cemetery/ Gosport, Hampshire
TEN Bird, Harold G./ Lieutenant/ Great Yarmouth Cemetery/ Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
TEN Drake, Charles E./ Navigating Lieutenant/ Highland Road Cemetery/ Southsea, Hampshire
TEN Evans, Andrew A./ Able Seaman/ Ferndale Cemetery/ Ferndale, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Wales
TEN Forlong, Charles F./ Lieutenant/ Warblington Cemetery/ Emsworth, Hampshire
TEN Grandy, Matthew B. Paymaster/ Wimbledon Gap Road Cemetery/ Wimbledon, Surrey
TEN Kingscote, Anthony M./ Lieutenant/ Brompton Cemetery/ London
TEN Longfield, William D./ Staff Surgeon/ Efford Cemetery/ Plymouth, Devon
TEN Lumar, William J./ Private (RMLI)/ Fort Pearson Military Cemetery/ KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
TEN Mitchell, James J./ Signalman/ Ford Park Cemetery/ Plymouth, Devon
TEN Springall, George/ Boatswain/ Happy Valley Cemetery/ Hong Kong, China
TEN Startin, James/ Sub-Lieutenant/ St. Mary’s Parish Church/ South Hayling, Hampshire
TEN Whitting, George/ Chief Engineer/ Haslar Cemetery/ Gosport, Hampshire


ACT = Active
BOA = Boadicea
EUP = Euphrates
FOR = Forrester
FLO = Flora
ORO = Orontes
NTO = Naval Transport Officer
SHA = Shah
TAM = Tamar
TEN = Tenedos

"We take great solace in knowing where our dead are buried"
(Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, U.S .Television Series, “N.C.I.S.”)
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Join date : 2015-11-24

Naval and Marine Graves  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Naval and Marine Graves    Naval and Marine Graves  EmptySun Mar 19, 2017 10:09 pm

P.O.T. That makes very poignant reading. i am very local to the Cemetery listed below..
SHA Dawson, Samuel/ Able Seaman/ Phillips Park Cemetery/ Manchester.. do you have
any dates on this chap, now that spring has sprung i would like to find this guy. xhosa
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Petty Officer Tom

Petty Officer Tom

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Location : Texas, U.S.A.

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PostSubject: Re: Naval and Marine Graves    Naval and Marine Graves  EmptySun Mar 19, 2017 11:14 pm


Able Seaman Samuel Dawson
31 Mar 1852 born in Crumpsell, Lancashire
24 Feb 1868 Dawson joined the Royal Navy; Official Number 72630
1870 While a Boy 2nd Class aboard HMS Donegal he signed on for 10 years; Continuous Service Number 4797B
From 1873 to 1876 he served aboard HMS Glasgow, “Excellent,” “Duke of Wellington,” “Asia,” and back to the “Duke of Wellington.”
14 Aug 1876 He was appointed to HMS Shah in the Pacific where he served during the engagement with the “Huascar”;  and in 1879 he served ashore with the Naval Brigade during the Zulu War, for which he was entitled to the South Africa Medal with “1879” clasp
After returning to England he was assigned to the Naval Barracks where he remained until 9 Apr 1880 when he was discharged to shore.  His continuous service had expired.
May 1880 he enrolled in the Manchester fire Department
27 Aug 1881 his South Africa medal was “sent to party”
1 Mar 1883 Dawson died of consumption
5 Mar 1883 he was buried in the Phillips Park Cemetery, Manchester

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Naval and Marine Graves  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Naval and Marine Graves    Naval and Marine Graves  EmptyMon Mar 20, 2017 1:15 pm

Many thanks POT ( Tom ) Crumpsall is a district in north east Manchester, i
have moved three times in my life and have never been more than three
miles from Crumpsall. your excellent detail will serve me well over the coming
months.. does the phrase " sent to party " mean that his sag was sent to his
known address?. such a sad end for Dawson, so little time in his effort to build
a new life post service. cheers xhosa ( Les )
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Petty Officer Tom

Petty Officer Tom

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Location : Texas, U.S.A.

Naval and Marine Graves  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Naval and Marine Graves    Naval and Marine Graves  EmptyMon Mar 20, 2017 2:41 pm


"Sent to party" does mean his medal was sent to whatever address the Navy had for him.  

Only three time?  I have moved over 20 times in my life, so far, including 2 years residing on Victory Road, Rainham, Essex in the mid-1950s.

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Naval and Marine Graves  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Naval and Marine Graves    Naval and Marine Graves  EmptyMon Mar 20, 2017 3:24 pm

Thanks POT. nah mate i tend to stick in one place, my other
moves were forced on me, one through marriage ( 41yrs )
the other through compulsory purchase. so you were briefly
an ' Essex boy ' in the 50's when the world was still in black
and white!.. i bet that was fun. xhosa
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