Film Zulu. Lieutenant John Chard: The army doesn't like more than one disaster in a day. Bromhead: Looks bad in the newspapers and upsets civilians at their breakfast.
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» Complete History of the Anglo-Zulu War in South Africa 1879. In French.
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» Gordon of Contin Mains, Ross-shire. Possible John Gordon 92nd (Gordon Highlanders) Regiment of Foot
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 Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptySun Feb 21, 2021 9:56 am

Two years ago I had a bit of a trek around South Africa looking at Boer war sites. Thinking I would probably come across some of our Zulu war lot I compiled this list before I went. Hopefully it may be of use to people on here.
If anyone sees any one I've missed let me know and I will add them to the list.
(Pete is this the right part of the forum for this to be listed in?)

Zulu War Veterans who were in the Boer War 1899-1902

Buller (obviously)
Clery (obviously)
Smith Dorrien (obviously)

Friend Addison (1848-1925) Son of Dr William Addison he took over his fathers sugar farm in 1868.Served with distinction Zulu War commanded Natal Volunteer Guides and Stanger Mounted Rifles.Commanded the Colonial Scouts during the SA War.

Sir Charles Llewellyn Anderson (Cape Town 1861-1944) Joined civil service during Zulu War worked on erecting the telegraph line from Pietermaritzburg to Pretoria. For the Jameson Raid fined £2000 and sentenced to two years imprisonment. Served in  Boer War and WWI. Becmae Liet. Col. raised civic guards during the 1914 and 1922 Rand Strikes.

Captain (subsequently Brevet Major) Geoffry Barton, 1st Battalion, 7th Regiment, Staff Officer to No. 2 Column.  Following the reorganisation of the N.NC. commanded the 4th Battalion present at Gingindlovu.  Major-General Boer War commanding the 6th (Fusilier) Brigade, Battle of Colenso, Relief of Ladysmith.

Hilmar Theodore Bru De Wold (Norway 27.8.1842 - Port Shepstone 8.9.1913) Served with Norwegian army after quarreling with his captain he deserted in Durban in 1862. 1865 joined Alexander Mounted Rifles. Seved as Sgt Major in Zulu Wars. Married Sarah Bazley and had two children. Second wife Helen Shuter. 1884 as a Captain  he was OC of Umzimkulu Mounted Rifles, in 1888 2ic to Natal Mounted Rifles and 1894 OC Border Mounted Rifles. Boer war served on Col Royston's staff during the siege of Ladysmith and seriously wounded in the face by shrapnel. Served North Natal and east Transvaal awarded CMG. 1906 took part in quelling Bambata Rebellion earned the DSO. Retired 1907. Son killed at Delville Wood.

Sgt William Burrows. B-1855 SWB Garrison Quartermaster , Kleksdorp. Served extensively in Boer War inc Karee Siding, Vet River, Zand River, Transvaal inc Johannesburg and Pretoria. Orange River Colony. Harts 1902 show him District Commander lines of communication. Mentioned in despatches. Served in Zulu War 1879 2nd Batt 24th Reg. died 1939

Major Frederick Carrington B-1844. General Officer Belfast Dist. Commanded Native Levies Zulu War 1879. Commanded Rhodesian Field Force 1899- 1900 in Transvaal inc actions at Elands River. Died Cheltenham 1913.

Lieut. Ralph Arthur Penryn Clements. B-1855. Major General on Staff in SA 30/11/1899 Commanded 12th Brigade 12/1899 to 11/1901. Present at Ulundi Zulu War 1879. Died in India 1909.

Johannes Wilhelm Colenbrander (Pinetown 1.11.1856 - Nr Johannesburg 10.2.1919) A burgher during the Zulu War. Opened a trading station in Zululand and a confidant of Chief Usibepu. 1883 married Molly Mullins after defeat of Usibepu moved to Swaziland. Played a vital role in the Pioneer Column of 1890 and served in the 1893 Matabele war and the 1896 Matabele Rebellion with his unit "Colenbrander's Boys". Served throughout Boer war. After his wife's death commanded Kitchener's Fighting Scouts with the rank of Lieut. Col. Second wife died 1904. Worked in USA and Britain. Married in Ireland. he was accidentally drowned near Jhbg. while making a film on the Zulu War, entitled "The Symbol of Sacrifice. At the time he was leading a charge across the Klip River

Capt Ernest C. H. Crallan  Brabant’s Horse   He was the second son of the late Rev. T. E. Crallan, Hayward's Heath, Sussex, and Emsworth, Hants. Capt. Crallan was born in 1854. Crallan enlisted in the Natal Mounted Police (NMP) in Pietermaritzburg on 18/04/1874, a little over a month after the NMP was established by Major (later Major-General Sir John) Dartnell. His service number was 19. Crallan resigned from the NMP in 1888, and he settled in Johannesburg in the Transvaal Republic, where he ran a canteen. He left Johannesburg for Alice in the Cape Colony after the Jameson Raid in 1896, perhaps because of his involvement with, or support for the rebels. At the outbreak of the Boer war, Crallen joined Brabant’s Horse.where he was appointed as a Captain in charge of the regiment’s ‘E’ Squadron. By December, the regiment was occupying positions is support of the attack on Stormberg by the British under Lieutenant-General W F Gatacre. The British were defeated and forced to withdraw. Skirmishes in the vicinity of Dordrecht continued into 1900. In one such engagement on 16 February at Bird’s River near Dordrecht, Crallan and several of his men were killed in action. They were buried on the farm ‘Koffiefontein’, and their graves are in a small walled cemetery
Crallan’s grave has on it an impressive marble monument, which is topped by a cross on three inscribed slabs. He was 46 years old when he died. (Thank you To graves1879 for the update)
Crallan was promoted to Sub-Inspector on 27/4/1882. During 1883 and 1884, he was based at Fort Pine near Dundee.  Killed at Birds River near Dordrecht, Feb 16th 1900. Interred  Dordrecht nr Coffiefontein.Name on main monument at site.

Major Frank Fairburn Crawford   Army Vet. Dept. B-1861. Bechuanaland Exp. under Sir Charles Warren. Operations in Zululand 1888. Died of Dysentery. Buried base hospital Fort Napier, Pietermaritzburg. Name on marble cross at site.

Lt. Col. Edward Denham Cropper.  I.Y. and Pembroke Yeomanry Cavalry serving with 9th Batt. under Col. Howard.   Orderly officer to Sir Evelyn Wood. Present at Ulundi. Mentioned in despatches 10 Sept 1901 D.S.O.  Died of pneumonia 29 Wimpole Street UK

Captain the Hon. Hugh Richard Dawnay, Viscount Downe, served as an Aide-de-Camp to Major-General Frederick Marshall, Cavalry Brigade during the Zulu Campaign.  Served on Lord Roberts’ Staff during the Boer War.

Major-General John Baillie Ballantyne Dickson, C.B. was born 24th October 1842 and was originally in the Indian Service.
He received his Commission as Cornet in the Bengal Cavalry on 20th January 1860, becoming a Lieutenant on 1st January, 1862 Brevet-Captain on 20th January, 1872 and Captain in December 1872 when he transferred to Indian Staff Corps where he remained until 1875.
In 1879, he proceeded to South Africa on Special Services involved in the Zulu Wars.
He reached the rank of major-general, and in the Boer War commanded the 4th Cavalry Brigade. He died on 15th Aug 1925.
(addition by John Young)

Alfred William Ducat
Captain, 104th Regiment of Foot (Bengal Fusiliers), Private, No. 8 Troop, Frontier Armed and Mounted Police, Ninth Frontier War, Trooper, No. 9 Troop, Cape Mounted Rifles, Lieutenant Bakers Horse, Lieutenant, 2nd Battalion, Natal Native Contingent – Anglo-Zulu War. Private, Alexandria Town Guard, Anglo Boer War
Photo and more information can be found here:-
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(addition by John Young)

Walter G. Duncan. Born 1848 Scotland. Enlisted in the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Took part in the Zulu War. Whilst stationed at St Helena, the Crown Prince (later Kaiser Wilhelm) visited Napoleons grave and Duncan played a lament. He was the official piper to the wedding of Princess Louise to the Duke of Argyll. Fought in the Bechuanaland campaign and present at the siege of Kimberley. WWI saw service in SW Africa and all together received 10 campaign medals. On resuscitation of the Kimberley Regiment Pipe Band in 1929 he was appointed Pipe Major and served the Regiment until his retirement in 1936. This service was given as an octogenarian, but few who saw him marching with the Kimberley Regiment with his straight back, the measured step and obvious dignity, will credit this. He died at Springs in 1943 in his 96th year.

Rupert Fetherstonhaugh 3rd/60th KRRC Zulu War, commanded a Brigade 2nd Boer War wounded in action at Belmont. (addition by John Young)

Major the Hon. Lionel Henry Dudly Fortescue 17th Lancers B-1857. Served with 17th Lancers during Zulu War and present at Ulundi. Killed in action at Diamond Hill near Pretoria June 11th 1900. interred Diamond Hill. Name on main monument at site and Regimental monument.

Lt Col. James Moore Gawne. commanding 2nd Batt Royal Lancaster Regiment B-1854. Served in Zulu War 1879 and Bechuanaland Exp.  Died of wounds 12 Dec 1900 at Vryheid. Buried Vryheid cemetery. Name on main monument at site, a marble cross and slate stone. Also mentioned in St James Church Dundee.

Major Edward Giles. Reserve of officers formerly Royal Artillery. B-1855. served in Kafir war 1878 in command of two mountain guns present at Intala Ka Udoda Bush. In command of artillery troop Cape Mounted Riflemen and served in operations against Moirosi being present at capture of stronghold. Served in Basuto War of 1880-81. Died in a railway train in Cape Town. Interred Cape Town ,Maitland. Name on main monument and marble cross.

Quarter Master and Hon. Lieut. Patrick John Gleeson . A.S.C. B-1861 served in Zulu War of 1879 awarded medal. died 14th August 1900 at Naauwpoort. Interred Noupoort. name on marble cross?

Lieut. Col. Gerald Lionel Joseph Goff. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. B-1855. Served with his battalion in Zulu war 1879 present at Ginginhlovo. Killed in action 11th Dec. 1899 at Magersfontein. Interred  Kimberley, West End Gr.Name on main memorial and slate headstone.

Edward Mackenzie Greene. Pietermaritzburg 18.11.1857 - Westville Natal 21.8.1944). Grandson of Donald Moodie. In 1878 became advocate of the Natal Supreme Court, served with Colonial forces in the Zulu War. In 1880 married Jane Nourse and had four sons and a daughter. 1884 Lieut. natal Carbineers and Major 4 years later. Commanded the regiment from 1889. During Boer war involved in actions including Tintwa Pass Oct 1899 and the Seige of Ladysmith. Became minister for Railways and Harbours in Natal Government. In 1936 commanded Natal Contingent to coronation of Edward VII.

Lieut-Col Robert Henry Gunning 1st Batt. Kings Royal Rifle Corp. B-1852. With 60th Rifles in Zulu War 1879 present at Ginginhlovu and relief of Eshowe. Served as Adj. of the Battalion throughout the operations of ‘Clarkes Column’ . Medal with clasp. Died Battle of Talana Hill 20th Oct 1901. Buried in Cemetery just below Talana Hill. Marble cross and name on regimental monument at site as well as St James church, Dundee.

Col. Ormelie Campbell Hannay. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. B-1848. Employed on special service during latter part of the Zulu War 1879 (medal). Killed in the fighting near Paardeberg 18th Feb 1900. Interred Paarderberg, Vendusie Drift. Marble cross at site.

Thomas Lee Hare. B-1859 Operations in Cape Colony May –Nov 1901. Served Zulu War 1879 2nd Batt. 24th Reg. Died 1941

Capt. J.C. Knapp  Imperial Light Horse. B-1856. In 1877-78 served in the Cape Mounted Rifles then held a commission in the Cape Regular Infantry. As pioneer of Bulawayo he helped organise the Rhodesian Horse and was in the Matabele campaign commanding Gifford’s Horse. Killed in reconnaissance from Ladysmith 3rd Nov 1899. Interred Ladysmith Town 1. Name on memorial, marble cross and mentioned in St James Church, Dundee and All Saints Church, Ladysmith.

Captain Arthur Fitzroy Hart, 31st Regiment “Special Service Officer” Zulu War initially serving with No.1 Column’s NNC.  Major-General commanding 1st Infantry Brigade Boer War.  Hart’s Irish Brigade.

T.Healey served with volunteers in SA 1900- 1901. Zulu War 1879 2nd Batt. 24th Reg. Drummer transferred from G to C company. Died Oxford, Kent 1927.

Lieutenant Augustus West Hill, 57th Regt., present Gingindlovu. Mentioned in Despatches - Spion Kop. Lt.-Colonel 2nd Battalion Middlesex Regt.

Lieutenant (subsequently Captain) Edward Thomas Henry Hutton, 3rd Battalion, 60th Rifles - Gingindlovu.  Boer War Lieutenant-General  commanding the 1st Mounted Infantry Brigade.

Walter Dally Jones, served in 99th Regiment, present at Nyezane and the Siege of Eshowe.
Involved in the Army Postal Service in 2nd BW, acted as the press censor to Buller in 1900. (addition by John Young)

James Alexander Liebmann. Born Yorkshire 1857. Died London 1926.1871 served with the English Ambulance in the German Army. Studied Languages. South Africa 1877. Served Gaika War in 1878 and Zulu war were he was wounded; Transkei Rebellion of 1880, Bechuanaland Field Force 1884. Active in St John's Ambulance. 1896 commanded detachment attending to the wounded after the Jameson Raid. Instructed German Sandhurst. Served SA War as OC Scouts and interpreter for General Kelly-Kenny. Captain Liebmann served in Imperial Yeomanry, DAAG Intelligence for Chermside and later Sir Charles Knox. By 1914 Knight of Grace of St John. During WWI accompanied Dr G Casalis's Ambulance detachment to France. 1916 changed his name to James Alexander. Also served in the Malay States.

Henry Lugg. A teenager from Devon. Joined th Natal Mounted Police. Ordered to ride to Pmbg with despatches. Crushed his knee and ended up in the hospital at Rorke's Drift. Present during the defence. During Boer War served  under Col Royston, Commandant of Natal Volunteers in the Natal Native Horse for a short while before reporting back to his previous mustering in Intelligence.

Henry Timson Lukin (London 24.5.1860 - Capetown 15.12.1925) Arrived in South Africa 1879 worked as a road foreman in Natal then joined Bengoughs Horse Zulu Wars. Was badly wounded at Ulundi. Joined Cape Mounted Rifles as Lieut. 1880 fought in Basutoland. 1891 married Lily Quinn from Fort Hare. Returned to England for specialist Maxim and artillery course. Then served in Bechuanaland and the 1897 Langeburg Campaign. During Boer War commanded CMR artillery and led his artillerymen in a cavalry charge at Aliwal North March 1900. Attended King George V's coronation in 1911 and gassed at Delvilles Wood during WWI. Commanded 9th Scottish Division and promoted to Major General. Buried Plumstead, Capetown. Statue at Cape Town Company Gardens. Biography 'Ulundi to Delville Wood' written by R. Johnson.

to commanding the South Africans on the Western Front.  He commanded the CMR in the 2nd Boer War.  His book from Ulundi to Delville Wood charts his military career.

Major Robert Lipton Macgregor . 1st Batt. Royal Scots. B-1862. Served in Bechuanaland Expedition 1884-85 and with Royal Scots in operations in Zululand in 1888.Died at Nooitgedacht 2nd April 1901. Interred in Airlie. Marble Cross at site.
Major William Joseph Myers. 7th Batt. Kings Royal Rifle Corps. B-1858. Served with 3rd Batt. 60th Rifles Zulu War April- Sept 1879. Killed in action near Ladysmith 30th Oct 1899. Interred Ladysmith Town 1. Name on main memorial at site and at All Saints Church Ladysmith.

Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Henry Ponting Northcott C.B. Leinster Regt. (Royal Canadians) B-1856  served in operations in Zululand 1888 as D.A.A.G. Killed in action at Modder River 28th Nov 1899.Interred Kimberley, West End Gr. Name on main memorial at site and sandstone headstone at site.

Lieut. George Champney Palmes. B-1857  SA 3/2/1900 to 10.5.1902. Commandant Klerksdorp actions include  Karee Siding, Vet River and Zand River. Served in Zulu War 1879 24th Reg. Died in UK.

Lieutenant Charles Sim Bremridge Parsons, N Battery, 5th Brigade, Royal Artillery. Out with Chelmsford on 22nd January 1879.  Present at Ulundi 4th July 1879.  Boer War Colonel initially commanding a squadron of Imperial Yeomanry, subsequently served on the southern lines-of-communication.

Maj.Gen Sir William Penn Symons K.C.B.  B-1843. Capt. 24th Foot . Involved in operations against Galekas  1877-78 and Zulu War 1879. Killed Boer War.

Capt. Henry Seddon Prickard, 2nd Batt North Staffordshire Regiment. Served in operation in Zululand 1888. Died of Enteric at Bloemfontein 12th May 1900. Bloemfontein, President Ave. Name on main memorial at site.

John Edward Hale Prior. B-1848 Major General (local Rank) A.D.C. Infantry 15th Brigade Dec 1899. Present Zulu War 1879 as Capt. 80th Reg. Action with F.L.H. Hlobane. At Upoko River under Buller and Ulundi. Died Aldershot Jan 9th 1900.

Herbert Aveling Raitt B-1858 Dec 1900 placed in command of 1st Battalion South Staffordshire Reg. took part in operations in Orange Free State May 1900, Wittebergen  and Transvaal. Served in Kaffir war of 1878 and campaigns against Sekukuni 1878/79. with 80th Reg. as Lieut.

Ulick de Rupe Roche B-1856 SA 1900 to 1903 served Commandant Kromellenburg then at Rhenoster and Klerksdorp. Served in SA 10/11/76 to 2/10/79 Kaffir war. On detachment St Johns River throughout the war. Died 1919 UK
Robert Scott-Kerr ,Grenadier Guards. B 1859. SA 1900 to 1902 Orange River Colony, actions at Biddulphsburg, Wittebergen and in Transvaal. Zulu War 1879 24th Reg present at Ulundi. Died UK 1942.

Colonel Royston. A trumpeter in the Carbineers in 1872 engaged in actions against Langalibalele including flying column in Double mountains and capture of the Chief. In 1879 in charge of troop of Crabineers. distinguished himself during the AZW. Accompanied Sir Bartle Frere in command of High Commissioners escort.1881 to 1889 he commanded the regiment and became commendant of the volunteers in 1898.

Lieutenant Henry Macleod Leslie Rundle, 10th Battery, 7th Brigade, Royal Artillery, - the Gatling Gun Battery, present at Ulundi.  Temporary Lt.-General commanding the 8th Division Boer War.

Henry 'Harry' Sparks. (Springfield nr Durban 3.3.1854 - Durban 2.7.1943) Educated Pmbg. in in the Griqua Rebellion when his family was taken prisoner. 1876 joined Durban Mounted Rifles and fought in 79 Zulu and 80 Transvaal War. Married Martha Garbutt and had two sons and two daughters. 1882 joined Victoria Mounted Rifles and commanded it from 1886-87 when it merged to form the Natal Mounted Rifles. 1897 started the movement to restrict the immigration of Indians to Natal. During Boer War served with the Natal Mounted Rifles at Elandslaagte and the Siege of Ladysmith including the Battle of Wagon Hill. Also fought at Laings Nek and in Transvaal and Orange Free State. Appointed CO of Regiment in1904 and led them in the Bambata Rebellion of 1906. became the head of a pioneering cold storage firm, Sparks and Young.

Major C.F. Sprenger, Cape Mounted Rifles. Took part in operations against Langalibalele in 1873 and also Galeka and Gaika campaigns 1877-78. Also against Moirosi in 1879 and Basutoland 1880-81. Killed in action around Wepener 9th Apr 1900. Interred Wepener, Jammersberg Drift. Name on main memorial at site.

Lieutenant James Latimer Crashay St. Clair, 91st (Princess Louise’s Argyllshire) Highlanders, present at Gingindlovu, subsequently invalided home.  Boer War he served as the Deputy Judge Advocate General in South Africa.

Major Sydney Phillip Strong, 2nd Batt. Scottish Rifles. B1858. Saw active service with 90th in South African War 1877-78 Kaffir campaign and operations against the Galekas. Zulu War 1879 at Zungen Nek, Kambula and Ulundi. Mentioned in despatches. Died of wounds received at Spion Kop 24th Jan 1900. Interred Mount Alice Farm. Marble cross at site. Name All Saints Church, Ladysmith.

Alexander Whitelaw Thorneycroft, 2nd Battalion, 21st Royal Scots Fusiliers, served at Fort Napier, PMB, during the Zulu War.  Commanded Thorneycroft’s Mounted Infantry 2nd Boer War.  He ordered down Augustus Hill and his Middlesex Regiment from the heights they had captured at Spion Kop, resulting in further casualties.(addition by John Young)

Surgeon (subsequently Surgeon-Major) Edmond Townsend, M.D., Army Medical Department, served Ladysmith base hospital 1879, Battle of Ulundi, Medical Officer to the 2nd/21st Royal Scots Fusiliers in the Sekhukhune campaign.  Served Boer War Principal Medical Officer to 1st Division, subsequently served in the Western District.  Dangerously wounded whilst tending the wounded under fire at the Battle of Klipdrift, 7th March 1902.

Courtney Vor. Trower B-1856. Staff Officer to an Assistant Inspector of Remounts 21/12/1900 31/12/1900. Inspecting Staff officer 2/2/1901. Command of Remount Depot, Stellenbosch 9/2/1901.Commanded 1st Batt. SWB 9/6/1901 to 9/6/1905. Served in Zulu War of 1879 2nd Batt. 24th Reg.  Died 1947.

Colonel Charles Tucker B-1838. Command of the 7th Division Boer war. Zulu War 1879 in command of several companies of 80th Reg, mentioned in despatches and at Ulundi. Died 1935 Asburton, UK

Lieutenant Courtenay Bourchier Vyvan, 2nd Battalion, 3rd (East kent) Regiment - The Buffs. Present at Nyezane 22nd january 1879 and throughout the Investment of Eshowe.  Boer War Staff Officer to Baden-Powell during the Siege of Mafeking.
Simeon Kambule D.C.M. and Jabez Molife.  Both iSandlwana survivors, both with well documented actions post 22nd January 1879.  Both returned to the Colours in 1899 and served in the Natal campaign, including intelligence gathering in and around Ladysmith.

Captain & Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick William Edward Forestier Walker, 1st Battalion Scots Guards.  Assistant Adjutant General No. 1 Column, present Nyezane and the siege of Eshowe.  Boer War Initially General Officer Commanding Cape Colony.  Subsequently served on Roberts’ Staff, promoted to General.

Brevet Lt.-Colonel Charles Warren, Royal Engineers on detached duty in 1879. Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis during the Whitechapel Murders, resigned as a consequence of those investigations, returned to military service.  Involved in some of the disasters of the Boer War.

Archibald Graham Wavell, 1st Battalion, 9th (East Norfolk) Regiment served as a Special Service Officer in the Zulu War.  Transferred to the Black Watch later in his service.  Served 2nd Boer War, appointed Military Governor of Johannesburg after its capture. (addition by John Young)

Capt. Frederick Shewell Whitaker . Robert’s Horse. Involved in operations against Galeka  and Gaika Wars, Bechuanaland Expedition and Matabele Campaign . Died of wounds received previous day at Heidelberg 24th June 1900. Interred Heidelberg. Not marked.

Major George Albanus Williams  1st Batt. South Staffordshire Regt. B-1860. Served in SA during Zulu War of 1879 and subsequent actions  against Sekukuni.Medal with clasp. Killed at Tweefontein 25th Dec 1901. Interred Harrismith, Town. Marble cross at site and on Regimental Monument at Kestell nr, Groenkop.

Major-Gen. Sir Edward Robert Prevost Woodgate B-1845. Zulu War 1879 present at Kambula and Ulundi. Wounded Spion Kop 24th Jan 1900 died at Mooi River March 23rd 1900.

Lieutenant Robert Gordon Gordon Wolrige, 94th Regiment served in the Zulu Campaign according to his journal present at the Battle of Ulundi.  Assumed the name Gordon-Gilmour in 1887.  Commanded the 2nd Battalion, Grenadier Guards during the Boer War awarded the D.S.O.

Major-Gen. Sir Edward Robert Prevost Woodgate B-1845. Zulu War 1879 present at Kambula and Ulundi. Wounded Spion Kop 24th Jan 1900 died at Mooi River March 23rd 1900.

Sir Aubrey Wools-Sampson (Cape Town 1856 - Johannesburg 18.5.1924) He was a digger in Kimberley and a prospector in Barbeton and Rhodesia then fought in the Sekukuni war and Zulu War as an Imperial soldier. Was wounded iin the Transvaal War and had a scar the size of a shilling over his Jugular vein. 1896 convicted as a member of the Reform Committee. Founded the Imperial Light Horse and was wounded at Elandslaagte and recommended for the V.C. Served defence of Ladysmith and at Cyferfontain and Bakenlaagte. Appointed C.B. in 19091 and created KCB in 1902. He added his mothers maiden name Woolls to his surname. Served in the Bambata Rebellion and a member of the Transvaal Government from 1907-1910.

Deputy Commissary John Smith Young, Commissariat & Transport Department, Zulu War.  Commanded the National Aid Society/Red Cross volunteers in the Boer War.

Natal Mounted Police. 84  Besieged in Ladysmith. List taken from ‘The Mounted Police of Natal ‘H.P.Holt.
I have listed all those appointed to service before the 1879 Zulu War and who died after the Boer war 1899/1902. But cannot at the moment confirm which of them fought in both (apart from Dartnell obviously):-

Colonel Dartnell. Appointed 1874 Served in Zulu War 1879.
Inspector Campbell appointed NMP 1874 retired 1905 died 1902
Sub Inspector W.D. Campbell appointed NMP 1879 died 1902
Colonel W.J. Clarke,  Chief Commissioner appointed 1878 (see post by Barry below for more information)
Sub Inspector E.C. Crallan appointed 1874 retired 1888. Died in Boer war 1899-1902
Inspector W. V. Dorehill  appointed 1878 died 1905.     Escaped from Isandlwana.
Sub Inspector C.R. Jackson appointed 1877
Sub Inspector Cyril Hamilton 1878 retired 1885 died London 1901
Colonel G. Mansel C.M.G. appointed 1874 Commendant Reserve territory. retired 1906
Lt.Col. G.S. Marshall. appointed 1879
Insp J.A. Masson appointed 1877 retired 1897
Insp. F.L. Philips appointed 1876 retired 1908
Insp A. Pendergast appointed 1879
Capt. A.M. Smith appointed 1879  late Capt. 38th Reg. Entered Natal Civil service Umsinga 1879. Retired 1910
Sub Inspector  W. Stean appointed 1874 died 1912

The Frontier Light Horse who fought in the Zulu War 1879.
From Cameron  Simpson’s ‘The Frontier Light Horse’

Private William Anderson B-1861  Engine Driver 1899 1900. Natal Volunteer Ambulance Corp. Relief of Ladysmith 15/12/99 and Tugela Heights 14/02/1900. 06/06/1902 enlisted into Nesbitts Light Horse. Operations in Cape Colony.

Private George William Anstee enlisted 10.1.01 1st Kitchener’s Fighting Scouts operations in Transvaal and Orange Free State.

John Thomas MacFarlene Bell enlisted 14.12.99 as a bearer in the Natal Volunteer Ambulance Corp. During Zulu War claimed to have fought at Hlobane, Kambula and Ulundi.

Alfred Edmund Bousfield Blaine B-1853 East Griqualand field Force  Nov 1899- Mar 1900. Capt CMR resigned 07/07/00. Lt Prince of Wales Light Horse 19/01/01 operations in Cape Colony. During Zulu War was at Kambula and commanded FLH at Ulundi when D’Arcy was temp. immobilized. After Boer war was Mine compound manager of the Wit Nigel Mine. He drowned in the mine damn by accident. Buried Heidelburg Kloof Cemetery.

Richard Walter Bold. New England Mounted Rifles. Operations in Cape Colony.

Edward George Emile Bostedt. Enlisted 19.8.02 Lady Grey Town Guard.

Michael Burns. Enlisted 02/02/00 Reg. Sgt Major Eastern province Horse. Operations in Cape Colony
Frederick Caldecott

Henry Richard Chilman. Lieut. Kimberley Town Guard, defence of Kimberley operations.

William Cunningham enlisted 12/10/99 enlisted trooper Rimington’s Guides. Action at Belmont , Paarderberg and Driefontain. Discharged, (bad character) 01/04/00 enlisted as private in Uitenhage Volunteer Rifles. Operations in Cape Colony and Orange free State.

Charles Currie. B-1863  Boer with Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (Z.A.R.) operations near Komati Poort.

James Augustus Dewes B-1855 Corporal Distric No1, Cape Police. Defence of Kimberley and Orange Free State operations.
William Bernard Duffy Lance Corporal ‘C’ Squadron Protectorate Regt. Mafeking. Killed in action at Mafeking during raid on Game Tree Fort 26/12/1899

William L’Estrange Fawcett. Enlisted Trooper 1st Scottish Horse 14.03.01 dis. 29/04/01

James Enos France, B-1859 Trooper Imperial Yeomanry operations from 02/02/00 Orange River Colony Provisional Mounted Police. Joined Imperial Light Horse 06/12/00

William Friend  B-1859 Enlisted 01/04/02 1st Kichener’s Fighting Scouts. Operations in Transvaal.

Thomas Frost B-1859 08/01/00 enlisted Trooper 2nd Brabant’s Horse. 28/01/01 Trooper Gorringe’s Flying Column.

Hugh Percy Gordon B-1857 11/01/00 enlisted Lance Corporal 20th Fife Light Horse Company , 6th Battalion Imperial Yeomanry. .
Richard Hambley B-1858. Lance Corporal District No1 Cape Police. Defence of Kimberley operations from 14/10/99. Accidentally killed by a comrade at Kimberley 21/12/1899.

John Frank William Helligan B-1857. Enlisted 09/10/99 Corporal Lady Grey Town Guard.

Cornelis Gerhardus Hitge. B-1855 Boer  Kromellenborg Ward, Heilbron Commando. Orange Free State forces.

Alexander Copeland Howett  B-1857. Enlisted 20/10/99 private A company Thornycroft’s Mounted Infantry. Relief of Ladysmith, Tugela Heights, Laing’s Nek (02/06/00). Died 1931

William Hurrell. B-1857. Major in Rhodesian Reserves. Captain and Squadron Commander 1st Kitcheners Fighting Scouts. Zoutpans Drift. Mentioned in despatches.

George Patrick White Huskisson  B-1860 enlisted 12/01/00 Gunner (Serg. Mess Cook) Cape Garrison Artillery Simonstown detachment.

William Bell Johnason  B-1860 Klipdam Town Guard. died 1938

Henry Richard Jones B-1859 enlisted 10/02/00 Trooper ‘A’ Squadron Loch’s Horse. Gunner Ross’s Machine Gun Battery. Action at Johannesburg 29/05/00 and Diamond Hill 11/06/00

Samuel John Lewis B-1855 Lieut. Rhodesian Reserve Force. Relief of Mafeking. Wounded in action near Reitz . Transferred to 2nd Kitchener’s fighting Scouts as Lieut. Discharged. 29/09/01 Lt South African Mounted Irregular Forces. Died 1920
Hugh Lloyd

James O’Brian B-1856 Seg Imperial Light Infantry. Relief of Ladysmith and Tugela Heights. 03/12/00 private ‘E’ squadron Bethune’s mounted infantry.

George Thomas Cavendish Paget  B-1853. Temporary Major and second in command 19th (Paget’s Horse) Batt. Imperial Yeomanry.

William Barrington Tristian Pruen B-1855 Corporal Bechuanaland Protectorate Divison. Defence of Mafeking.

Charles Samuel Shepherd B-1859. Captain South African Light Horse. Relief of Ladysmith, Tugela Heights, Laings Nek (02/06/00) and Belfast operations. Died enteric fever Springfontein 22/07/1901

Arthur Dashwood Shore B-1855 Lieut. ‘A’ Squadron 1st imperial Light Horse. Wounded in action Elandslaagte. Relief of Ladysmith. Wounded in action 18/01/00

Charles Donald Venn. Boer Potchefstroom Commando. Captured Potchefstroom 26/10/00 . Transported to St Helena. Died SA 1924

Pelham Webb B-England 1859. Boer of No3 Cornetcy, Carolina. Taken prisoner at Kaalbooi (09/09/00). Sent to St Helena
William Alfred White B-1860 enlisted 24/11/99 Corporal C Squadron 1st Brabants Horse. Then private Kimberley Volunteer Regt. Relief of Mafeking. Trooper Midland Mounted Rifles.

George Wise B -1861 Extensive operations in all parts of SA during Boer War.

Following names provided by Cam Simpson
Lieutenant Napolean Joseph Rodolph Blake 57th Regiment who served as the Adjutant of Fort Pearson. Boer War; Major, 2Bn. Middlesex Regt.
Lieutenant Lionel Godolphin  Brooke 94th Regiment. Boer War; C.O. 1Bn. The Connaught Rangers.
Lieutenant Malby Edward Crofton 2/4th Regiment. Boer War; C.O. 2Bn. The Kings Own (Royal Lancaster) Regiment
Captain C.D. Hay 1/1 NNC. Boer War; Major and Second in Command, Imperial Light Infantry.
Lieutenant Augustus West Hill 57th Regiment; Boer War; C.O. 2Bn. Middlesex Regiment.
Lieutenant Frank Broadwood  Matthews 2/4th Regiment. Boer War; Major, 2Bn. The Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regiment.
Lieutenant  Morris George Moore, 88th Regiment. Boer War; Major, 1Bn. The Connaught Rangers.
Sub- Lieutenant John de Coucey O’Grady 94th Regiment. Boer War; Major, 1Bn. The Connaught Rangers.
Assistant Commissary Geoffrey Stanley. Commisariat and Transport Dept.Boer War; Staff Officer.
2nd Lieutenant Alexander Whitelaw Thorneycroft 2/21st Regiment. Boer War; C.O. Thorneycroft’s Mounted Infantry.
Lieutenant Richard  Burlton Williams 1st/13th Regiment. Boer War; 2Bn Somersetshire Light Infantry. Bt.Lt Col.29/11/00 Deputy Judge Advocate, South Africa.

Kate Very Happy[/u][/center]

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Those who served in AZW abd ABW   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptySun Feb 21, 2021 12:54 pm

Hi Kate,
NMP Trooper William Clarke who served under Chelmsford /Dartnell ( Dartnell Patrol ) in the Isandlwana battle went on in his military career to  see action in the Basuto Gun War as well as the Transvaal War. He also saw service in the First Boer war and in that saw action, inter alia, at Laingsnek, and Majuba. Later he saw more  action in the second Boer War where he was present at the Boer attack on Caesars Camp where he was lightly wounded.He was also besieged by the enemy in Ladysmith.
Following that, transferring from his post as CC Natal Police he took up a posting, under his old friend, Gen Louis Botha  as Commandant of the second South African Mounted Rifles Regiment  ( 2 SAMR ) This was a mixed unit comprising  heavy field artillery and cavalry. In that unit he led operations in the eastern Free State in 1913 chasing up Boer Rebels there. Col Clarke led his regiment too into South West Africa where he was present at the battle of Springfontein. This action, amongst others ,were all part of the  campaign which ousted the Germans from that territory. During this period Col Clarke was 2ic to Brigadier General H.T Lukin, chief of the South African Army.
After the outbreak of hostilities in  WW 1 , Col Clarke was posted to Russia as part of the British Intervention in the White/Red conflict raging across the country. His role was in the Elope Force , under Gens Ironsides and Furse. A  large part of this remit was a Secret Service job but he also spent some time organising and leading forces friendly to the White Russians around Archangel. For a short time whilst in Russia he was Commandant of the  1st Archangel Regiment  which was comprised of ethnic Russians 
On returning to UK in 1919 via Scapa Flow, he was first debriefed by the Duke of Connaught in London, then demobbed and officially retired and on returning to SA he took up timber  farming at Mooi River in the Natal Midlands  and Sabie in the eastern Transvaal.
Colonel William James Clarke, OBE, Star of St Stanislaus , ( 2 x MID ) , aged 74, deceased at his home in Pietermaritzburg in 1934 and was interred in the old Commercial Road cemetery in that city. His place of birth was Worth and he was a native of Sussex.


Last edited by barry on Fri Feb 26, 2021 7:53 am; edited 4 times in total
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptySun Feb 21, 2021 1:00 pm

Outstanding Barry thank you. Salute
I will edit my post and put a link to yours.
Kate Very Happy
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John Young

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptySun Feb 21, 2021 1:01 pm


In Cam’s list you need to amend A. W. Hay to Augustus West Hill.

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptySun Feb 21, 2021 1:07 pm

Thanks John
Very Happy
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Frank Allewell

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptySun Feb 21, 2021 1:43 pm

Edmund Skottawe rings a bell, also Kate one Im still researching is George Allewell
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptySun Feb 21, 2021 2:59 pm

Thanks Frank
Edmund Skottawe. Do you know what unit he was attached to?
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptySun Feb 21, 2021 4:49 pm

List adjusted.
For some reason it had knocked some of the names out of alphabetical sequence.
K Very Happy
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Frank Allewell

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptySun Feb 21, 2021 5:32 pm

ES was with D Company 1/1 NNC with the Rocket Battery at iSandlwana. Cam mentioned him, over a coffee, last year being in the Boer war. I will give him a call tomorrow.
George I have 100% in the Boer War, he held the QSA. Some family papers put him in the South Eastern Transvaal in 1878/9. Legend says he was with one of the irregular forces but so far I havent being able to locate anything on that aspect. Havent given up yet.
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John Young

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyFri Feb 26, 2021 12:03 pm

An interesting puzzle that I picked up from EBay the other day.
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It appears to me, that Mr. Lane is wearing three unofficial battle bars on his South African General Service Medal.

Does anyone have any views on Mr. Lane’s identity and his former regiments or Corps?

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyFri Feb 26, 2021 12:32 pm

Information and page number for Duttons medal roll. In case this helps:-

J.Lane Cape Mounted Yeomanry p60
J. Lane Queens town Volunteer Rifle Corp p156
J. Lane Transkei Rifles p166
F. Lane 1st Dragoon Guards p197
H. Lane 17th lancers P206
W. Lane 2/4th p218
J. Lane 2/21st p233
D. Lane 2/24th p258
J. Lane " "
J. Lane 57th p273
R. Lane " "
J.P.Lane 3/60th p288
T. Lane 90th p316
H. Lane 94th p332
T. Lane 99th p342
J.Lane A.H.C. p346
G.Lane R.A. p361
W.Lane R.E. p370

T. Lane V.C. p1289 (but obviously its not him)

According to Harts the 3/60th and 24th were not in the Crimea but 25 years later he may not have still been in an Imperial Regiment but been with a volunteer unit
Kate Very Happy
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyFri Feb 26, 2021 8:23 pm

Apart from this being a Boer war photo I assume, my first thought was it might be Thomas Lane. According to wiki he served in the 47th Foot in the Crimea, awarded a VC at the Taku Forts with the 67th Foot in 1860. Served as a Sgt in the 3rd NNC in the Zulu War, although not sure whether this is 3rd Regt or the later 3rd Battalion? Later served in Basutoland in 1881-2 and died as a member of the Kimberley Police. Presumably he did have a chest full of medals with all that service.

He was one of only 8 men to be stripped of his VC in 1881 for desertion and theft of horse, arms and accoutrements. His VC is in the Royal Hampshire’s Regt museum apparently therefore he wouldn’t have worn it for the photo.

But according to wiki he died on 12th April 1889. Assuming that’s correct it clearly can’t be him as Kate has pointed out. Is there a chance wiki is wrong on his death though?

Regards. Phil
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyThu Mar 04, 2021 10:32 am

Still trying to track this chap down, so thought about coming at it from a different angle. I have been looking through my Times Boer War Volumes for information  about Loch's horse and there is something here about them :-

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More info here

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Not much joy at the moment. There seems to have been an Imperial Yeomanry  hospital at Dielfontain (Deelfontain)which was handed over to the R.A.M.C. on the 31st March 1901 so perhaps he was wounded?
There are 17 Lane's listed in Watt's but none buried at Dielfontain cemetery. Looking on line, find a grave, 95% of Dielfonatin cemetery is photographed and no trace of any stone so seems Mr Lane didn't die there.(though he could be in the 5%!!)
Still clutching at straws at the minute though.
Kate Very Happy
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptySat Mar 06, 2021 5:44 pm

Some more additions to the list, full details of their lives shown above,  for the perusal of members.:-

Sir Charles Llewellyn Anderson
Friend Addison
James Alexander Liebmann  (what a life!!)
Alfred Edward Blaine's demise.
Hilmar Theodore Bru De Wold.
Johannes Wilhelm Colenbrander
Alfred Mackenzie Greene

Alfred William Ducat (JY)
Rupert Fetherstonhaugh (JY)
Archibald Graham Wavell (JY)
Sir Henry Timson Lukin (JY)

Kate Very Happy

Last edited by gardner1879 on Tue Mar 09, 2021 7:44 am; edited 2 times in total
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyMon Mar 08, 2021 4:57 pm

Two more names for the list. Details of their lives shown above:-

Henry 'Harry' Sparks
Sir Aubrey Woolls-Sampson

Also, regarding my previous post,there is a line drawing of Friend Addison in Knights 'Fearful Hard Times' p190

Kate Very Happy
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyMon Mar 08, 2021 5:38 pm

Interestingly, Colonel Johan Wilhelm Colenbrander CB served in AZW in Natal Mounted Rifles, and in ABW in Kitchener's Fighting Scouts only to die in the Klip River (standing in for the Buffalo River) in 1918 playing Lord Chelmsford in an early South African movie about the AZW campaign 'Tribute to Bravery'.

Wavall above should Wavell as in Field Marshal.
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyTue Mar 09, 2021 5:28 am

Perhaps I have missed it in the listings above but I am not seeing H. Lugg mentioned. To my knowledge Lugg was in the 2nd Boer War in one of the local units, and saw service in the the Ladysmith area. He and his friend Hilmar Bru du Wold both hailed from Alexandria County (Port Shepstone) in southern Natal and seemed to follow each other around.


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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyTue Mar 09, 2021 6:45 am

Kenny, the Natal Mounted Rifles did not exist in 1879, so he must have been in another unit. There were seven small mounted rifles regiments in coastal and southern Natal that were forerunners of the NMR.
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyTue Mar 09, 2021 7:08 am

Maybe the Newcastle Mounted Rifles, ie, also NMR.


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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyTue Mar 09, 2021 8:28 am

Terry Sole has Colenbrander in the Stanger Mounted Rifles (p365 For God Queen and Colony)
Barry do you know which unit Lugg was attached to during the Boer War?
Kate Very Happy
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyTue Mar 09, 2021 12:03 pm

Hi Kate,
My information is scant; served  under Col Royston, Commdt of Natal Volunteers in the Natal Native Horse for a short while before reporting back to his previous mustering in Intelligence. More , if I find it.


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Brett Hendey

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyTue Mar 09, 2021 1:04 pm

There is a short biography of Colenbrander in 'The Official History of the Natal Mounted Rifles' by Eric Goetzche that I can scan if anyone is interested.
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyTue Mar 09, 2021 5:12 pm

Thanks Barry. I will put him on the list and then update as and when.
Brett if there is more information on Colenbrander than I have shown on the main list above,I would love to see it.
Thank you
Kate Very Happy
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Brett Hendey

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyTue Mar 09, 2021 5:53 pm

There is much more about Colenbrander's life in the book than has appeared on this thread, but I cannot judge how much will interest you. He clearly was a remarkable man rising from a Bugler in the Stanger Mounted Rifles in January 1879 to a Lieutenant-Colonel (CB) by the end of the Boer War in 1902. His association with John Dunn in Zululand and Lobengula in Rhodesia added to his adventurous life in the intervening years.
If you decide you need more details, please PM me your email address and I will send you the scan.
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Zulu War to Boer war , those who served in both    Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyTue Mar 09, 2021 11:40 pm

Hi Brett
Isn't the book ' The White Whirlwind ' basically a Chronicle of Colenbrander's life ?
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Brett Hendey

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyWed Mar 10, 2021 6:30 am

It is indeed! 'The White Whirlwind' is credited at the start of his abbreviated biography in the NMR history.
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Zulu War to Boer war , those who served in both    Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyWed Mar 10, 2021 11:50 am

Hi Brett
I have the ' The White Whirlwind ' , might have to read it next , put it to the front of the queue ! .
90th Salute
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyWed Mar 10, 2021 12:23 pm

Thanks for the offer Brett but to save you the trouble I have just ordered a copy of Goetzche's book from SA.
Kate Very Happy
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Brett Hendey

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PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyWed Mar 10, 2021 1:11 pm

Kate, I think you will be pleased with the book. It is an excellent history of the NMR and related regiments.
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyWed Mar 10, 2021 1:51 pm

Another one for the list:-

Walter G. Duncan (full details above in main list.)

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Photo courtesy 'The History of the Kimberly Regiment' by  Dr H.H. Curzon

Kate Very Happy
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyWed Mar 10, 2021 3:02 pm

Hi Kate

Great photo and well done for posting your first photo, no stopping you now agree

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Shields Daily News 23 June 1938

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Liverpool Evening Express 24 April 1943.

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyFri Jun 25, 2021 1:00 pm

Whilst carrying out some research for my local church on a Boer War casualty (Lt. Jack Southard Watney, Imperial Yeomanry. KIA Tweefontein Christmas day 1901) who has a memorial there it led me to a really good book 'In the Ranks of the C.I.V.' by Erskine Childers.
This little passage is on page 250 which sparked my interest. Erskine is in a hospital tent in Pretoria suffering from veldt sores. In the tent is a man from the Imperial Light Horse. This passage in his diary is dated September 9th 1900:-

"The I.L.H. man is very interesting. Like most of his corps, which was recruited from the Rand, he has a position on a mine there, and must be well over forty. He has been through the Zulu war too. His squadron was with Buller all through the terrible struggle from Colenso to Ladysmith, which they were the first to enter. They were shipped off to the Cape and sent up to relieve Mafeking with Mahon. He has been in scores of fights without a scratch, but now has veldt sores."

I appreciate trying to identify him could be like looking for a spam fritter at a vegan festival but you never know, this little piece of jigsaw might be useful to some one in the future.
I well recommend the book. Erskine gives a real feel for the ordinary trooper slogging across the veldt.
Kate Very Happy
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Brett Hendey

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyFri Jun 25, 2021 6:37 pm

It was men of A Squadron, ILH, who were in the Relief of Ladysmith before joining in the Relief of Mafeking. The man you are looking for would be on the QSA medal rolls as one with 'Double Relief' clasps. You should be able to find the list by referring to the angloboerwar.com forum.

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Petty Officer Tom

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyFri Jun 25, 2021 7:17 pm


There is a photograph of Lieutenant J. S. Watney at the following link:

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyFri Jun 25, 2021 9:01 pm

Smashing thanks Tom Salute Nice to hear from you.
I've actually written a small booklet about Lt. Watney to sit at the back of the church, with a history of his action and photographs of him and his memorials both in England and SA. for visitors to read.
I have it as a word document but I don't think I can link it to this forum. My tech knowledge doesn't go that far. Joker
Kate Very Happy
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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyWed Jul 07, 2021 6:35 pm

I see you already have AW Ducat mentioned who is one of mine. Others whose medals I have to both wars are:

Sub- Inspector William Dundas Campbell - NMP (a relative)
SM John William Duckham - Natal Hussars and the Umvoti Mounted Rifles
Henry Crouch - PMB Rifles and a double-issue to the ABW - Natal Govt. Railways and the Ladysmith Town Guard


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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyTue Aug 24, 2021 9:51 pm

A postcard on sale on e-bay at the moment.
One of the chaps from my list above, Frank Broadwood Matthews.

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More details can be found about him here on our forum.
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Tried to post the photo on Littlehands thread but was not allowed access to post replies.
Kate Very Happy
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John Young

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyThu Aug 10, 2023 1:58 pm


Likewise the same issue with F. B. Matthews.  So here he is:

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Lt. & Adjutant F. B. Matthews, 2nd Battalion, 4th (King’s Own Royal) Regiment, Hythe, circa 1878.
(John Young Collection)

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Tig Van Milcroft

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyTue Sep 12, 2023 9:54 am

I just had a look at this thread. I attach an article from the AngloBoerwWar.com site I came across after looking up the Edendale Group.

I have since first reading of them an interest in them and their place in the early colony politics its relationship with the Zulu kindgom and "native affairs".

Having read about them it leaves me with a seething distaste that was probably shared to some degree at the time by the likes of Durnford and the Colenso's of attitudes.

We should not forget the efforts of the Edendale people to assimilate to the western ways, they tried hard and did their best, but were overcome by the appalling nature of the Imperial project in Natal, betrayed by those in whose hands they placed their loyalty and trust.

Simeon Kambula and Jabez Molife certainly served as scouts in BW2 undertaking very dangerous and onerous missions.

"Natal Native Scouts during the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) – 3B

Simeon Kambule

Simeon Kambule recorded “A list of Native Scouts under [his] supervision, who served during the late Anglo-Boer War at various places and under Generals White, Buller and Rundle.” The 155 names on this list will be included in a consolidated roll of Natal Native Scouts.

Kambule also stated that he would “like to mention more especially … the following men:”

Shortly after the Ladysmith siege commenced, Stephanus Xaba brought in much important news through the Boer lines from Kosi Mude, a Basuto Chief at Witzie’s Hoek, ORC. Later during the siege he pointed out to the military the Ekamanzi hill near Estcourt as being one suited to heliograph to, and to which heliograms were subsequently sent. Later he was given charge of the Scouts at Volksrust and did well there. His activities included running down a Boer and capturing him with his horse and arms, and handing him over to the Authorities. On another occasion, Captain Allison’s horse having been shot, Xaba handed over his own horse and walked back to camp.

Micah Kunene, who was serving under General Buller, was called upon by that General when his column was about to go up to Helpmekaar. He strongly opposed taking the column up the valley from the direction of Etoleni as he said that the Boers would be there entrenched. He succeeded in persuading General Buller to take the main road from Msinga, thereby saving the column. It was found the Boers were as stated strongly entrenched in the said valley and soon fired heavy guns at the column as it went round the main road.

Qhoto Kubheka and George Xaba, who having been duly instructed during the siege of Ladysmith went to my wife and got the necessary instrument and went to the railway line between Besters and Brakvaal stations and there undid the rails so that a Boer train was wrecked. Qhoto had lately been brought into Ladysmith by Teise Ndhlovu (since killed) and had come through the Boer lines to join us right from Kimberley.

Jacob Ndaba captured an armed Boer at or near Van Reenen’s Pass and brought him in with two guns to the authorities at Ladysmith.

Teise Ndhlovu was killed in action and left a wife and child. Besides many great and brave deeds, he went through the Boer lines during the Ladysmith siege four times. On his return from his mission to Chief Mabizela Bande, he was, together with Qhoto Kubheka and myself, summoned before General White, who told us that he would not forget our services, and that he would always keep an eye on us, and would see that our services were recognised.

Zephanaih Masuku began his services as a spy in October 1899 and sent valuable information to S O Samuelson [brother of Robert Samuelson], Under Secretary for Native Affairs. After the Relief of Ladysmith, he became a Scout and Guide in the Intelligence Department under Major H K Stewart, Mounted Infantry, and went to Newcastle, Amersfort, Bengal Farm, Belfast and Pilgrim’s Rest, and was at all the fighting. He was with the troops in Natal, Zululand, Transvaal and Free State to the end of the war. The regiment to which he was attached went to pay its respects to Lord Kitchener and he carried the flag of the Johannesburg Mounted Rifles. He acted as Orderly, Galloper, Guide and Scout under Colonel H K Stewart. During one of the fights, he single-handedly captured a Boer and handed him over to the Military Authorities.

MosesTshabalala went through the Boer lines at Ladysmith several times, having been sent with news from outside by Lazarus Xaba, who was in charge of the Scouts outside. After the siege was lifted, he went through the Boer lines to a Mr Spilsbury at Harrismith and brought to the Intelligence Department Boer newspapers and other news about Boer movements in the Orange Free State.

Shadrack Moloyi, who was actually living under Commandant Nel in the Free State worked with us through the whole war. He took information about the number and movements of Boer Commandos in the Free State to Lazarus Xaba, who sent it on to us in Ladysmith.

Petrus Gule During the siege, he did his duty well in receiving, hiding and feeding secret messengers of the Government of Natal and Military Authorities, who moved between Ladysmith and Newcastle. Lazarus Xaba used to hide, house and feed other such messengers and Scouts, who moved between Ladysmith and other places.

(Signed) Simeon E Kambule"

Brett Hendey
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John Young

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Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both.   Zulu War to Boer war. Those who served in both. EmptyTue Sep 12, 2023 10:04 am


A fascinating link, especially with regard to Lazarus Xaba. Lazarus Xaba accompanied King Cetshwayo kaMpande during his visit to the United Kingdom in 1882, as one of the interpreters.

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