Film Zulu. Lieutenant John Chard: The army doesn't like more than one disaster in a day. Bromhead: Looks bad in the newspapers and upsets civilians at their breakfast.
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 Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details

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Brett Hendey
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Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details Empty
PostSubject: Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details   Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details EmptyFri Oct 28, 2011 5:49 pm

Hi All,
As I have stated in previous posts, I have for more years now than I care to remember been compiling biographical details on those members of the Colonial forces who took part in the Anglo Zulu War with the view,hopefully, of publishing this research. As an insight to this work I have posted a sample of one of the Corps for the perusal of the members of this excellent site, from which a large amount of information and guidance has been gleaned.
I hope that members will find this both informative and interesting and I welcome any constructive comments. Unfortunately I have not been able to transfer the available photographs of listed below to this file.


ARBUTHNOT, William Thomas. (Captain)
Born 15 September 1843 at Downie Hill, Peterhead, Scotland. Eldest son of John Arbuthnot and Jane nee Cordiner who had emigrated on board the “Unicorn” from Liverpool to the Byrne Settlement, Port Natal in 1850. A planter by profession, residing at Greenwood,Umzinto. Married Constance Leigh, his foster sister, late of the Isle of Man, at St Patrick’s, Umzinto, Natal on the 24 June 1869. Appointed Captain, 24 April 1876. Died 14 May 1881 at Arborville, Equeefa, Alexandra County, Natal and was buried in the Holy Trinity Cemetery, Equeefa. One of four brothers who were members of the Corps. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £2.4s in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded 10s. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

COOKE, W. (Lieutenant)
Appointed Lieutenant, 24 April 1876. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £3.11s.6d in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, no award made. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

KIRKHAM, John. (Lieutenant)
Born near Warrington, Lancashire, England. Eldest son of the late Reverent T.P. Kirkham, M.A., F.R.S., of the Crofts, near Warrington, Lancashire. Immigrated to Natal in 1868 with his brother Thomas Kirkham, the Quartermaster of the Alexandra Mounted Rifles, settling on a Government land grant. A planter by profession, residing at Breaverstone, Umzinto. Later JP for Alexandra County. Rank given in certain sources as second Lieutenant. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £6.1s.6d in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, no award made. Submitted a further claim for £45 in respect of the loss of his horse in Zululand, awarded £30, which was paid by the Imperial Government. One of the members of the Corps who volunteered in March 1879 to serve in the Natal Volunteer Guides. Contracted Jaundice in July 1879 and was invalided to Durban to recover. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

KIRKHAM, Thomas. (Quartermaster)
Born 22 December 1843 near Warrington, Lancashire, England. The second son of the late Reverent T.P. Kirkham, M.A., F.R.S., of the Crofts, near Warrington, Lancashire. Educated at Rossall School. Immigrated to Natal in 1868 with his brother John Kirkham, Lieutenant of the Alexandra Mounted Rifles, settling on a Government land grant. Appointed Quartermaster, 22 March 1878. Later of Croftsland, Equeefe, Natal and the Microscopic Club, London and the Victoria Club, Pietermaritzburg. Elected firstly as a member of the Legistrative Council for Alexandra County in 1893 and returned to the Legistrative Council again in 1898. Involved in the coffee planting industry and microscopic studies, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Microscopic Society in 1898. Remained a bachelor all his life. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £2.4s.6d in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, no award made. Served for a total of fourteen years as a Natal Volunteer. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

PARKIN. (Quartermaster Sergeant)
On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. No claim listed on the schedule by the Select Committee, for the retreat from Eshowe. It is therefore possible that he was one of the five members of the Alexandra Mounted Rifles that remained with Pearson’s force for the duration of the siege of Eshowe. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

BRU DE WOLD, Hilmar Theodor. (Acting Sergeant Major)
Born 25 August 1842 at Tronhiem, Norway but raised in Orstra. Educated at the Naval College, Norway. Emigrated to Natal in 1862 and worked as a labourer on a sugar estate in Isipingo. Later a planter in hus own right at Otterboourne, Ifafa.Married Miss Bazley, daughter of John Bazley of Ifafa. They had three children, a son, Lt T.W. Bru de Wold, who was later killed at Delville Wood while serving in the First World War, and two daughters. Enlisted as trooper in the Alexandra Mounted Rifles in 1865, he was promoted through the ranks attaining the rank of Captain in 1880. Mentioned in dispatches for his service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Transferred to the Umzimkulu Mounted Rifles upon its fromation in 1884 as the Corps Commanding Officer. On the fromation of the Natal Mounted Rifles, in 1884, he was appointed second in command, with the rank of Major. Further appointed Commanding Officer of the Border Mounted Rifles in 1894, a position he resigned a year later, when he was made District Adjutant for Southern Natal. Served in the Anglo Boer War, being severely wounded in action by shrapnel at the Siege of Ladysmith and also present at Laing's Nek, mentioned in despatches three times during the war. Awarded the C.M.G for his services. Appointed Commandant and Colonel of the Natal Volunteers in July 1902 and as such was a member of the Colonial Defence Commission. Awarded the D.S.O. for his services during the Zulu Rebellion of 1906, in which he served as Commandant of the Natal Militia. Retired from service in 1907, as Colonel Bru De Wold C.M.G., D.S.O., V.D. Justice of the Peace for the Alexandra and Alfred Counties he also was Supervisor of Mines, 1888 and Magistrate, Lower Umzimkulu District. Died 8 September 1913 at Port Shepstone and was buried at Umzinto. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £1.18s in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded 8s.6d. Medal for South Africa with 1879 with clasp.

ARCHIBALD. (Sergeant)
On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Requested leave of absence to attend to his business matters. Later reported unfit for duty and is subsequently not listed on the Medal Roll.

FRASER. Andrew. Sergeant)
A Shopkeeper by profession in Umzinto. Not on the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War, he therefore joined the Corps in the field, possibly as a replacement. Claimed £4.1s.6d in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded 3s.6d. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

BAZLEY, Harry. (Acting Sergeant)
Earned his living as a Planter residing at “Nils Desparardum Farm, Ifafa. Indications are that he was one of John Bazley's sons, and therefore brother in law of Bru de Wold. Rank given on the Medal Roll as Corporal. Brother of Trooper G. Bazley of the Alexandra Mounted Rifles. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £6.4s.6d in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded £1.4s. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

ARBUTHNOT, Fitzjames. (Corporal)
Born 24 July 1853 at Berryden, Richmond, Natal. Fourth son of John Arbuthnot and Jane nee Cordiner, late of Peterhead, Scotland, who had emigrated on board the “Unicorn” from Liverpool to the Byrne Settlement, Port Natal in 1850. Resident of Rydal Mount where he farmed along with his second cousin Norman G Arbuthnot, also of the Alexandra Mounted Rifles. Married Eliza Sarah Crocker of Durban, Natal, third daughter of John Crocker Esq of Mount Devon and sister of Troopers T.T and W. Crocker of the Alexandra Mounted Rifles. Died at Fawn Leas, Natal on the 28 February 1936. Rank given on the Natal Government Gazette as Sergeant. One of four brothers who were members of the Corps. As Lieutenant and then Captain he was the last Commanding Officer of the Corps in 1880. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £2.4s in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded 10s. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

ARBUTHNOT, St George. (Trumpeter)
Born 7 March 185 at Umzinto Lodge, Kelso District, Alexandra County, Natal. Fifth son of John Arbuthnot and Jane nee Cordiner, late of Peterhead, Scotland, who had emigrated on board the “Unicorn” from Liverpool to the Byrne Settlement, Port Natal in 1850. A planter by profession, residing at Arborville,Umzinto.Married Blanche Florence Barker of Lower Umzinto, Alexandra County, Natal, fifth daughter of the Reverent Joseph Barker, Vicar of Ladysmith and later Archdeacon of Durban and Pietermaritzburg, at Ladysmith on the 18 June 1890. Died on the 8 November 1911 in Pietermaritzburg, Natal. One of four brothers who were members of the Corps. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £3.16s.6d in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded 16s. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

ARBUTHNOT, McDuff. (Trooper)
Born 2 April 1845 at Downie Hill, Peterhead, Scotland, second son of John Arbuthnot and Jane nee Cordiner, late of Peterhead, Scotland, who had emigrated on board the “Unicorn” from Liverpool to the Byrne Settlement, Port Natal in 1850. Married Jane Ogilvy Will Bruce of Peterhead, Scotland at Umzinto, Alexandra County. Natal on the 17 December 1877. A planter by profession, residing at Greenwood,Umzinto. Died in Durban, Natal on the 22 January 1927. One of four brother who were members of the Corps. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £8.12s.6d in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded £2.10s.6d. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

ARBUTHNOT, Norman George. (Trooper)
Born 27 February 1849, eldest son of James Aruthnot and Eleanor Jane nee Ogilvy Will. Second cousin of William, Fitzjames, MacDuff and St George Arbuthnot of the Corps. Farmed with Fitzjames Arbuthnot at Rydal Mount. Never married but is thought to have fathered three children, of mixed race who took his name. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £4.1s.6d in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded 1s. Died 25 November 1885 at Arborville, Equeefa, Alexandra County, Natal. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

BAZLEY, George. (Trooper)
An Engineer of Equeefea, Umzinto and later the Manager of the Effingham Estate at Avoca. Indications are that he was one of John Bazley's sons, and therefore brother in law of Bru De Wold. Brother of Acting Sergeant H. Bazley of the Alexandra Mounted Rifles. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £6.7s in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded 7s.6d. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

CROCKER, Thomas, T. (Trooper)
Son of John Crocker, of Mount Devon, a Stonemason who immigrated to Natal with his family aboard the “Sovereign” in 1850. Later worked as a Contractor, residing at Umzinto. Brother of Trooper W. Crocker of the Alexandra Mounted Rifles. Surname given in certain sources as Cocker. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. No claim listed on the schedule by the Select Committee, for the retreat from Eshowe. It is therefore possible that he was one of the five members of the Alexandra Mounted Rifles that remained with Pearson’s force for the duration of the siege of Eshowe. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

CROCKER, Walter. (Trooper)
Son of John Crocker, of Mount Devon, a Stonemason who immigrated to Natal with his family aboard the “Sovereign” in 1850. Working as a Carrier from Munt Devon of Umzinto he later resided at Cathersmare, Scotston. Brother of Trooper T.T. Crocker of the Alexandra Mounted Rifles. Surname given in certain sources as Cocker. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. No claim listed on the schedule by the Select Committee, for the retreat from Eshowe. It is therefore possible that he was one of the five members of the Alexandra Mounted Rifles that remained with Pearson’s force for the duration of the siege of Eshowe. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

DAVEY, Lewis. (Trooper)
Not on the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War, he therefore joined the Corps in the field, possibly as a replacement. Claimed £10.5s.6d in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded £4.5s. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

FAYERS, T. (Trooper)
Initial given on the Natal Government Gazette as J. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £3.17s in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, no award made. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

HAWKINS, William. (Trooper)
A farmer of Woolwich, Ifafa. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. No claim listed on the schedule by the Select Committee, for the retreat from Eshowe. It is therefore possible that he was one of the five members of the Alexandra Mounted Rifles that remained with Pearson’s force for the duration of the siege of Eshowe. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

HAWKSWORTH, F. (Trooper)
On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £14.19s.9d in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, no award made. Submitted a further claim for £101.6s in respect of pay whilst on sick leave, which was also not awarded. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

KNOX, Alfred G. (Trooper)
A Shopkeepeer with his brother H.J. Knox, also of the Corps in West Street, Durban. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £14.19s.9d in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, no award made. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp. His account of the war was published in the "Natal Mercury Supplement" 22nd January 1929 titled "To Every Man a Farm":

KNOX, H.J. (Trooper)
A Shopkeepeer with his brother A.G. Knox, also of the Corps in West Street, Durban. Not on the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War, he therefore joined the Corps in the field, possibly as a replacement. Not listed on the schedule by the Select Committee, it is therefore presumed that he was not present at the retreat from Eshowe. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

LANGTON, William. (Trooper)
Residing at Mid-llovo, a Wagon-maker by trade, he was not listed on the Muster Roll of the Corps called out for service in the Anglo-Zulu War, on the grounds that he had sought a replacement, so he could maintain his wagon-making business. The recommended replacement however was dismissed and Langton was forced to rejoin the Corps. Not listed on the schedule by the Select Committee, it is therefore presumed that he had not rejoined in time to be present at the retreat from Eshowe. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

PEARCE, William. (Trooper)
Born in 1855, Residing at Mid-llovo. Apprenticed as a Wheelwright, he later worked as a Wagon Builder and Transport Rider. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £6.11s in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded £1.7s.6d. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

PENNINGTON, James. (Trooper)
Carpenter by trade, residing at Lower Umzinto. Twin brother of Trooper John Pennington of the Alexandra Mounted Rifles. Only one J. Pennington is listed by both the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War, and the Select Committee and he claimed £5.3s in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, no award made. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

PENNINGTON, John. (Trooper)
Blacksmith by trade, residing at Lower Umzinto. Twin brother of Trooper James Pennington of the Alexandra Mounted Rifles. Only one J. Pennington is listed by both the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War, and the Select Committee and he claimed £5.3s in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, no award made. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

PIGG, George. (Trooper)
Son of Anthony, a Joiner and Wheelwright, and Maria Pigg, who immigrated to Natal in 1850 on the “Edward” from England. Carpenter by trade, residing at Woodland Home, Umzinto. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £3.17s.6d in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded 4s.4d. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

PRESCOTT, Cyril. (Trooper)
Initial given in the Natal Government Gazette as G. Present at the Muster of the Corps called out for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Taken ill on the march to join the invading force and left to recover in Greytown. Taken ill again after rejoining the Corps and replaced. (However, he must have rejoined the Corps in Zululand at some time as he was awarded the Medal with clasp) Claimed £79.16s in respect of pay, no award made. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

REYNOLDS, Charles Partridge. (Trooper)
Born 21 February 1854 at Umhlahi, Victoria County, Natal. Second son of Thomas Reynolds Esq, of Umhlali, Victoria County. Educated in England between 1865 and 1872. Married Miss L.J.M. Barker on the 10 January 1880, five children, later residing at “Esperanza”, Natal. Manager of the Umzinto Sugar Estate and director of Reynolds Bros Ltd and the Natal Cambrian Colliers Ltd. One of three member of the family who served in the Alexandra Mounted Rifles at some time, both his uncle Lewis and brother Frank, later Sir Frank Reynolds, commanding the Corps. His request for release from active duty and replacement by his brother Harold was refused. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £2.13s.6d in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded 16s. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

REYNOLDS, Sidney W. (Trooper)
Of Riversbend, Estcourt. Youngest member of the Corps who served as a dispatch rider in the early part of the War. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £3.9s in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded 2s. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp. Featured in the "Natal Mercury Supplement" 22 January 1929:
ROSS, James. (Trooper)
Worked as a Carrier for the Umzinto Estate. Not on the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War, he therefore joined the Corps in the field, possibly as a replacement. Claimed £2.8s.6d in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, no award made. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

SANDERS, C. (Trooper)
On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. No claim listed on the schedule by the Select Committee, for the retreat from Eshowe. It is therefore possible that he was one of the five members of the
Alexandra Mounted Rifles that remained with Pearson’s force for the duration of the siege of Eshowe. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

SHOOTER, Benjamin Charles. (Trooper)
Later a Transport Rider, residing at Lower Tjmkomaas. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £5.17s in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded 8s.6d. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp. His account of the war was published in the "Natal Mercury Supplement" 22 January 1929 titled "Humours of the Zulu War":

SHOOTER, William. (Trooper)
Later a Carrier and Punt Overseer, residing at Lower Tjmkomaas. On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. Claimed £5.17s in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded 8s.6d. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

SUMNER, J. (Trooper)
Not on the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War, he therefore joined the Corps in the field, possibly as a replacement. Claimed £14.16s in respect of the loss of his kit in the retreat from Eshowe, awarded £1.9s.6d. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

THOMAS, Sydney. (Trooper)
On the Muster Roll of the Corps called out in December 1878 for service in the Anglo-Zulu War. No claim listed on the schedule by the Select Committee, for the retreat from Eshowe. It is therefore possible that he was one of the five members of the Alexandra Mounted Rifles that remained with Pearson’s force for the duration of the siege of Eshowe. Applied for medal in 1883. Medal for South Africa 1879 with clasp.

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Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details   Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details EmptyFri Oct 28, 2011 6:53 pm

Phil. This is excellent, as you have probably realise there is not a great deal written on the colonial units, that why I was pleased when a section of this forum was purely dedicated to the colonel units. How many pages have you completed? This would make a great reference book for those interested in the colonial units. And there is a growing interest in their part in the Zulu War. I for one would use your information for research purposes. I only hope it gets published. That’s if you’re going that way with it. Nice work Phil. It is very time consuming work, But worthwhile.
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Brett Hendey

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PostSubject: Re: Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details   Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 6:06 am


I echo littlehand's comments. This will become one of the classic research projects relating to the Zulu War. It will also be invaluable for people with an interest in the history of the Colony of Natal. I hope publication comes soon.

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PostSubject: Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details   Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 8:53 am

Hi Littlehand and Brett,
Thank you very much for your kind comments.
To answer Littlehand firstly the book is approximately 500 pages in uncolumnated form, which apart from the biographical details also includes research notes, complete casualty rolls, Corps histories, NNC before and after Isandwana organisation and other miscellaneous Corps details.
I should say that this research is never ending but I now feel that with the amount of information I have compiled that a line has to be drawn (For the moment).
I am investigating avenues for publication, so any advice in this area from members would be appreciated.

Thanks again

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Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details Empty
PostSubject: Colonial Regiments which served in the zulu war    Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 9:06 am

HI Phill .
Are you familiar with Terry Sole's book ' For God , Queen & Colony ? . If so , will your work be a similar
publication ? . I would look forward to it , I have a couple of Colonial Medals awarded to troopers from the
Cape Mounted Yeomanry , will that unit be part of your published work ??. Good luck with your efforts .
I think there are military themed publishers but that's all I know , Sorry . Token Publishing did the Sole book .
cheers 90th. Idea
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PostSubject: Re: Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details   Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 11:04 am

Hi 90th
Thanks for your post, I do have a copy of Terry Sole's book, which is an excellent piece of research that clarifies a lot who was in the Colonial Corps. However his details of those who participated is, understandably, due to the depth of his research, limited on the biographical details. What I have set out to achieve is a work along the lines of Norman Holmes, which not only confirms or denies who was present, but offers an insight into the lives of these men who served with the Colonial forces.
My work covers the actions of the Anglo-Zulu War and its Colonial participants and as such I have not covered the Cape Mounted Yeomanry, which I known is one of your major interests.
Thank you for your comments

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old historian2

old historian2

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PostSubject: Re: Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details   Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 1:06 pm

Quote :
I should say that this research is never ending but I now feel that with the amount of information I have compiled that a line has to be drawn (For the moment).

You could always do Vol 1 & Vol 2 ect. Most of the books I have on the Zulu War are mostly just over 340 pages. So 500 is a good start.
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PostSubject: Colonial Regts , Alexandra Mounted Rifles , full biographical details   Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 11:28 pm

Hi Phill.
Thanks for the reply , hoping and looking forward to your epic work being available in the not to distant
future , you can count me in to purchase it . :lol!: .
cheers 90th. Idea
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PostSubject: Re: Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details   Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details EmptySat Sep 11, 2021 8:38 am

I am Denzil Bazley, gr-gr-grandson of John Bazley, mentioned here. George and Harry were indeed sons of John Bazley, (of the farm Nil Desperandum, Ifafa, meaning "never despair"), and thus brother-in-law of HT Bru de Wold. I wrote the book Nil Desperandum, the Bazley Story which includes a chapter on Bru de Wold.
John Bazley's story is an interesting one ... he was a railway engineer under George Stephenson, came to Natal in 1850. He established 2 sugar mills and large sugar estates, and is regarded as a founding father of the South African sugar industry.
His son William (my gr-grandfather) built the harbour at Port Shepstone, privately funded, which operated for many years until the railway line reached Port Shepstone.
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PostSubject: Alexander County   Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details EmptySun Oct 24, 2021 7:37 pm

Hi Denzil,
Nice to have you aboard.
Do you have any bio on Henry Lugg. I seem to remember that he lived for a time down in Alexander county.
Your gr- Grandaddy and dynamite went very well together, by all accounts. It would seem he used copious amounts of that exciting stuff to open the harbour mouth at Sheppy. All of that much to the entertainment of the locals,.of course.
I have read one or two accounts of passengers taking the coaster down from Durban on its supply run to Port Shepstone. This little steam vessel was so small that passengers were seated on the open deck. If the weather en route was even mildly untoward the journey was not one to forget
I would be interested to know too if you have anything on the Zietsman family who farmed in the county in the 1880's. Mrs Zietsman was Boer General Loúis Botha's sister.


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PostSubject: Re: Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details   Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details EmptyMon Oct 25, 2021 6:20 am

Hello Phil.
Some useless information ... Trooper Hawkins was of the farm Woolwich, which is where the village of Bazley was laid out in the 1960's, about 80 km south of Durban. My dad Maurice Royle Bazley (served in Italy with the RDLI) was born on a nearby farm Kingsdale.
John Bazley bought Woolwich in 1882 for one pound an acre. His son Edward who was born in 1850 on the ship Edward, on the way out from the UK and lived in the farm Woolwich until his death. Edward lost his only son Ernest Edward Bazley at Delville Wood. My brother and I both own homes at Bazley about 300 metres from the remains of the farmhouse Hawkins and Edward and Ernest Bazley would have lived in.

Last edited by bazley@mweb.co.za on Mon Oct 25, 2021 6:52 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details   Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details EmptyMon Oct 25, 2021 6:47 am

Hello again Phil
Technically Bru de Wold didn't emigrate. He jumped ship (deserted) in Durban harbour after an altercation with the captain. He found his way down the South Coast where he was welcomed by the Bazley family and married Sarah.
I can give you a great deal of background on BDW and the Bazleys from my research and the book I wrote, Nil Desperandum, the Bazley Story.
BDW played a key role in welcoming the Norwegian Marburg settlers of 1882, some of who became active in the military.
I often wonder if had BDW had been British, his CMG might have been a KCMG
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Julian Whybra

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PostSubject: Re: Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details   Alexandra Mounted Rifles, full biographical details EmptySat Nov 06, 2021 4:34 pm

Did you research anything on Lieut. N. Davey?
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