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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Bar_leftBrave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? BarBrave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Bar_right 
Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Bar_leftBrave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? BarBrave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Bar_right 
John Young
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» George Champney Palmes - Medal at auction
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» Anderson, A. 2622 2-24th
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» Private James Powell - 24th Regiment
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» 25B/671 Pte. J. Machin 2/24th Regiment, KIA Isandlwana
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» The Passing of Lady Ellen Baker.
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» Dr. A. Ralph Busby
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 Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?

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John Young
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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyTue Feb 16, 2021 3:26 pm

I found the following paragraph  in a copy of "British Battles on Land and Sea" By James Grant. Cassel and Company Limited. 1st edition 1897. Chapter 30 page 218:-

"A Natal Volunteer, who had been sick in hospital, was found dead with his back against a boulder near the hospital tent, with about a hundred fired cartridges about him, his revolver empty, and a Bowie knife crusted with blood in his hand"

I appreciate that books of this era can be a bit jolly hockey-sticks but the above account comes after the well known description of Seaman Anysley's death with his back to a wagon (though it doesn't mention him by name.) and that of a corporal of the 24th who had killed four Zulus with his bayonet which stuck in the throat of his last opponent and then he was assegaied.

I've checked "A Lost Legionary in South Africa" as it sounds a bit Maori Browneish and he does say that the  hospital lines were close by us (p138). He sends his senior sergeant of no8 company down to "see what he can find" but there is no mention of the above heroic volunteer

I  I know its a long shot but has anyone seen this mentioned in any survivors accounts. I'm assuming it would be in an account written by one of Chelmsford's force who returned to the camp that evening.
An even longer shot, any idea who this could be?

Apologies if this has been mentioned before on the forum
Kate Very Happy
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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyTue Feb 16, 2021 5:38 pm


Grant took the paragraph from Henry Hallam Parr's A Sketch of the Kafir & Zulu War - Guadana to Isandhlwana first published 1880. It appears on pages 221-2.

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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyTue Feb 16, 2021 5:41 pm


Im not sure but GBH mentions two officers who were out with Chelmsford who, went off in a huff back to the camp (hungry?)

They were Holdcroft and Avery, (or something like that) I have always assumed he was one of them.....

There is also a line which the two officers are described by GBH as having 'blacked up' with lamp soot to try and evade the Zulus (obviously the Zulus wouldn't have noticed Al Johnson in the camp) - but I can't remember the source - I will have to go look in my books.


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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyTue Feb 16, 2021 6:15 pm


Who is Al Johnson? Try Asa Yoelson...aka Al Jolson.

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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyTue Feb 16, 2021 6:27 pm

Al Johnson lived down the road from me, when I was a kid.....don't spose you know him
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John Young

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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyTue Feb 16, 2021 6:49 pm


I did actually delete was he some bloke from Uttoxeter? As I thought it too flippant.

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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Brave Natal Volunteer    Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyWed Feb 17, 2021 12:23 am

Hi Gardner1879
Yes I believe I've seen that or something similar a couple of times , JY has mentioned it's in H.H.Parr's book , I've read it so that's one of the times I've seen it , wonder if it's in one Ian K's books ? , possibly the Big Silver one ? .
Seem you're getting your Johnson confused with a Jolson ?? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Not sure why ....but I've never thought the chap against the rock ( as Kate Mentioned ) was Avery or Holcroft , I've read somewhere that they were never ever seen again after leaving Chelmsford's Camp . They may have not even made it back to Isandlwana ?.
90th Very Happy
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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyWed Feb 17, 2021 4:23 am

Hi Kate

I believe this brave Volunteer was Malcom Moodie here is a link it almost fits perfectly [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  

Julian gives us the reason for Moodie being in Hospital you can find it on page109 of Studies of the Zulu War Volume 5.

There was another Carbineer with empty cartridges close by and that is Edwin Tarboton this can be found on page 80 of Volume 5 also.  I tend to believe its Moodie
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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyWed Feb 17, 2021 6:51 am

Just what I have always thought, Gary........got no reason for to think it (I even probably misinterpreted 'Natal Volunteer').....I think someone (GBH) said they were good shots so would have given a good account of themselves

One thing to consider is just because someone was found near a hospital tent, does not mean he was a patient....

Gary - think about this:-

H & A out on a jaunt..... (if they left together) it must have actually been one of them who suggested going back....."Damn this for a game of soldiers, I'm hangry, I'm going back - are you coming?"

I wonder if at some point (in the early afternoon) one said to the other "that's the last time I listen to you....."

Also if they did make it back, someone would have 'seen them again'......just not recognised them, knew them or commented on it......The battle field was not really searched on the morning of the 23rd, that well.....apart from a troop of officers wandering back to see if they had any underwear left in their tents (or any tent left)

Wonder why his Zulu vanquisher left a perfectly good bit of steel behind.....? My mate Al would have soon had that.....



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Frank Allewell

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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyWed Feb 17, 2021 8:00 am

A note of caution about M Moodie, his body was found by Royston some 400 metres above Durnfords stand, that potentially puts him on the south side of the road whilst the hospital tent was under the mountain quite a way across the Northern side of the road. Possibly two seperate locations.
Interestingly D Moodie was involved with Alan Gardner, nes pas?
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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Brave Natal Volunteer    Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyWed Feb 17, 2021 8:37 am

I've also read somewhere the Holcroft & Avery actually had permission to return to camp , for the life of me no idea where I read it , far to many here to go through to find it .
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Frank Allewell

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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyWed Feb 17, 2021 3:21 pm

IK says they didnt have permission so does morris. Gotta say i didnt look to hard.
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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyWed Feb 17, 2021 3:50 pm

John thanks for that, I will dig out my copy and have a perusal
Inky thanks for the link that looks like our man great work Salute

Yes Donald Moodie was linked to Alan as he was, according to a survivors narrative (believed Trooper Robert Horne, Newcastle Mounted Rifles,) one of five to escape with Alan (Jack Walsh, Donald Moodie, Robert Horner and an unnamed artillery sergeant )
However Donald  was one of the (how can I put this tactfully) less strong willed  Rolling Eyes  Suspect  Suspect who just cleared off, abandoning their colleagues, leaving Alan and Trooper Horne (amongst others) to construct the barricades at Helpmakaar and then who rode out into the pitch blackness on the heroic ride to warn Wood.

And they called HIM a coward Mad  Mad
The whoresome swabs
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Frank Allewell

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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyWed Feb 17, 2021 4:26 pm

Was that not Trumpeter Horn? Interesting thing about him, he was the town Constable.
M Moodie was supposedly found in the doorway of the hospital tent identified by his cousin, E Green, reputed to be surrounded by cartridges so I think a touch of victorian meladrama added. Donald was a rather large man, Mac phail had to give him his horse after his own succumbed.
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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyWed Feb 17, 2021 4:52 pm

Thats him Frank, John J. Horne and yes he was a Trumpeter.
How are you spelling his surname by the way as in my records I have it with an 'E' at the end?

Moodie may have been a big chap but he stilll made a 'tactical withdrawal"  No  No (learnt my lesson of tact from Curling re commenting on the conduct of the colonials. Wink )
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Frank Allewell

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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyWed Feb 17, 2021 5:20 pm

I learn my lesson in calling him a fat sod
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Frank Allewell

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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyWed Feb 17, 2021 5:22 pm

just Horn, thats as I got it from Shiela Henderson, he was apart from being a constable a member of the mine native police so not a man to be trifled with however his great great grandaughter, Juanita, was once upon a time a member and in conversation with Steve/Rusteez spelt it with an E. he would have earned SAGS with a bar so I should imagine the Aussie will be feaverishly searching very soon.
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Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? Empty
PostSubject: Brave Natal Volunteer    Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyWed Feb 17, 2021 11:12 pm

Hi Frank
Well Trumpeter Horn where do I start ............... I did bid for his medal a few years ago , possibly 5 , if not longer ? , it was sold by Dix Noonan Web , I was quite happy with myself as the bidding said I'd won ! , a week goes by and no invoice , so I emailed them..... they said ''Sorry you weren't the successful bidder '' , well , as you can imagine , there was nothing I could do , seems there must have been a glitch on my page , or the final bid took longer than usual to register , can't remember the exact wording , but it only got worse , as I also wanted Alexander Nixon Montgomery's Medals ( Kranskop Fame , Lt D'Ombrain and Fort Cherry etc ) but it was after Horn , they went for 3k , I probably could've got it , but as I had got Horn's I didn't bother ! , well as you can see I got neither ! . WASN'T HAPPY ! .
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Frank Allewell

Frank Allewell

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PostSubject: Re: Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is?   Brave Natal Volunteer. Any ideas who he is? EmptyThu Feb 18, 2021 4:53 am

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