Film Zulu. Lieutenant John Chard: The army doesn't like more than one disaster in a day. Bromhead: Looks bad in the newspapers and upsets civilians at their breakfast.
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Posts : 10921 Join date : 2009-04-07 Age : 68 Location : Melbourne, Australia
Subject: Bit of a price difference ! Thu 4 Dec 2014 - 11:23
Only had a quick look , but why the price difference between Elitemlitaria's medals , and those of other sellers ? , they charge like wounded bulls !! , what's even more surprising is they doattract buyers !!!!! .
Posts : 75 Join date : 2011-02-26 Location : Scotland
Subject: Re: Bit of a price difference ! Thu 4 Dec 2014 - 18:44
That’s some price 90th but to be fair it does have a ‘Best Offer’ and perhaps like me when I list medals, they hope their Ebay listing will make potential buyers check their website out and buy direct from them at a much cheaper price
Ebay charge 10% and then force Paypal on you so you loose 14% of your total to them, therefore when I list I add 14% that doesn’t need to be paid if going direct. I rarely sell anything on Ebay but its good free advertising.
These days unless your lucky with research or get a lucky purchase, 15-20% is a common profit margin, so a dealer to sell anything on Ebay at a realistic price is difficult, especially SA 1877-9's.
Posts : 10921 Join date : 2009-04-07 Age : 68 Location : Melbourne, Australia
Subject: Bit of a price difference Thu 4 Dec 2014 - 22:46
Hi Jager1 It makes some sense when you look at it from the seller's point of view , I'm not aware if they have an Online site as you have . I'm watching it , so will take note if it's sold by the ' Make an Offer ' option . I'll have a proper look later to see if they do indeed have a shop or similar . Cheers 90th
Posts : 75 Join date : 2011-02-26 Location : Scotland
Subject: Re: Bit of a price difference ! Thu 4 Dec 2014 - 23:10
I could of course be wrong about them 90th, just talking from my own perspective
Posts : 10921 Join date : 2009-04-07 Age : 68 Location : Melbourne, Australia
Subject: BIT OF A PRICE DIFFERENCE ! Fri 5 Dec 2014 - 1:44